Rolf Reichle
Rolf Reichle
Research Physical Scientist, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC)
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The modern-era retrospective analysis for research and applications, version 2 (MERRA-2)
R Gelaro, W McCarty, MJ Suárez, R Todling, A Molod, L Takacs, ...
Journal of climate 30 (14), 5419-5454, 2017
MERRA: NASA’s modern-era retrospective analysis for research and applications
MM Rienecker, MJ Suarez, R Gelaro, R Todling, J Bacmeister, E Liu, ...
Journal of climate 24 (14), 3624-3648, 2011
The soil moisture active passive (SMAP) mission
D Entekhabi, EG Njoku, PE O'neill, KH Kellogg, WT Crow, WN Edelstein, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (5), 704-716, 2010
Hydrologic data assimilation with the ensemble Kalman filter
RH Reichle, DB McLaughlin, D Entekhabi
Monthly weather review 130 (1), 103-114, 2002
Bias reduction in short records of satellite soil moisture
RH Reichle, RD Koster
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (19), 2004
Data assimilation methods in the Earth sciences
RH Reichle
Advances in water resources 31 (11), 1411-1418, 2008
Performance metrics for soil moisture retrievals and application requirements
D Entekhabi, RH Reichle, RD Koster, WT Crow
Journal of Hydrometeorology 11 (3), 832-840, 2010
Assimilation of GRACE terrestrial water storage data into a land surface model: Results for the Mississippi River basin
BF Zaitchik, M Rodell, RH Reichle
Journal of Hydrometeorology 9 (3), 535-548, 2008
Assessment and enhancement of MERRA land surface hydrology estimates
RH Reichle, RD Koster, GJM De Lannoy, BA Forman, Q Liu, ...
Journal of climate 24 (24), 6322-6338, 2011
Extended versus ensemble Kalman filtering for land data assimilation
RH Reichle, JP Walker, RD Koster, PR Houser
Journal of hydrometeorology 3 (6), 728-740, 2002
Drought indicators based on model‐assimilated Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) terrestrial water storage observations
R Houborg, M Rodell, B Li, R Reichle, BF Zaitchik
Water Resources Research 48 (7), 2012
Comparison and assimilation of global soil moisture retrievals from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for the Earth Observing System (AMSR‐E) and the Scanning …
RH Reichle, RD Koster, P Liu, SPP Mahanama, EG Njoku, M Owe
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (D9), 2007
Evaluation of global observations‐based evapotranspiration datasets and IPCC AR4 simulations
B Mueller, SI Seneviratne, C Jimenez, T Corti, M Hirschi, G Balsamo, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (6), 2011
Global intercomparison of 12 land surface heat flux estimates
C Jiménez, C Prigent, B Mueller, SI Seneviratne, MF McCabe, EF Wood, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 116 (D2), 2011
Assessment of MERRA-2 land surface hydrology estimates
RH Reichle, CS Draper, Q Liu, M Girotto, SPP Mahanama, RD Koster, ...
Journal of Climate 30 (8), 2937-2960, 2017
Land surface precipitation in MERRA-2
RH Reichle, Q Liu, RD Koster, CS Draper, SPP Mahanama, GS Partyka
Journal of Climate 30 (5), 1643-1664, 2017
Global soil moisture from satellite observations, land surface models, and ground data: Implications for data assimilation
RH Reichle, RD Koster, J Dong, AA Berg
Journal of Hydrometeorology 5 (3), 430-442, 2004
Snow depth variability in the Northern Hemisphere mountains observed from space
H Lievens, M Demuzere, HP Marshall, RH Reichle, L Brucker, I Brangers, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 4629, 2019
Skill in streamflow forecasts derived from large-scale estimates of soil moisture and snow
RD Koster, SPP Mahanama, B Livneh, DP Lettenmaier, RH Reichle
Nature Geoscience 3 (9), 613-616, 2010
An adaptive ensemble Kalman filter for soil moisture data assimilation
RH Reichle, WT Crow, CL Keppenne
Water resources research 44 (3), 2008
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Articles 1–20