Tsz Him Lo
Tsz Him Lo
Assistant Extension/Research Professor, NCAAR, Mississippi State University
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Performance assessment of factory and field calibrations for electromagnetic sensors in a loam soil
J Singh, T Lo, DR Rudnick, TJ Dorr, CA Burr, R Werle, TM Shaver, ...
Agricultural Water Management 196, 87-98, 2018
Crop water stress index computation approaches and their sensitivity to soil water dynamics
A Katimbo, DR Rudnick, KC DeJonge, TH Lo, X Qiao, TE Franz, ...
Agricultural Water Management 266, 107575, 2022
Field characterization of field capacity and root zone available water capacity for variable rate irrigation
TH Lo, DM Heeren, L Mateos, JD Luck, DL Martin, KA Miller, JB Barker, ...
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 33 (4), 559-572, 2017
Pumpage reduction by using variable-rate irrigation to mine undepleted soil water
TH Lo, DM Heeren, DL Martin, L Mateos, JD Luck, DE Eisenhauer
Transactions of the ASABE 59 (5), 1285-1298, 2016
A geospatial variable rate irrigation control scenario evaluation methodology based on mining root zone available water capacity
KA Miller, JD Luck, DM Heeren, T Lo, DL Martin, JB Barker
Precision agriculture 19 (4), 666-683, 2018
Field assessment of interreplicate variability from eight electromagnetic soil moisture sensors
TH Lo, DR Rudnick, J Singh, HN Nakabuye, A Katimbo, DM Heeren, Y Ge
Agricultural Water Management 231, 105984, 2020
Differences in soil water changes and canopy temperature under varying water× nitrogen sufficiency for maize
TH Lo, DR Rudnick, KC DeJonge, G Bai, HN Nakabuye, A Katimbo, Y Ge, ...
Irrigation Science 38 (5), 519-534, 2020
Energy conservation using variable-frequency drives for center-pivot irrigation: Standard systems
D Brar, WL Kranz, TH Lo, S Irmak, DL Martin
Transactions of the ASABE 60 (1), 95-106, 2017
Approaches to evaluating grower irrigation and fertilizer nitrogen amount and timing
TH Lo, DR Rudnick, CA Burr, MC Stockton, R Werle
Agricultural Water Management 213, 693-706, 2019
Row spacing and irrigation management affect soybean yield, water use efficiency and economics
B Singh, G Kaur, NE Quintana-Ashwell, G Singh, TH Lo, KA Nelson
Agricultural Water Management 277, 108087, 2023
Water effects on optical canopy sensing for late-season site-specific nitrogen management of maize
TH Lo, DR Rudnick, BT Krienke, DM Heeren, Y Ge, TM Shaver
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 162, 154-164, 2019
Quantifying and correcting for clay content effects on soil water measurement by reflectometers
J Singh, T Lo, DR Rudnick, S Irmak, H Blanco-Canqui
Agricultural Water Management 216, 390-399, 2019
Real-time irrigation scheduling of maize using Degrees Above Non-Stressed (DANS) index in semi-arid environment
HN Nakabuye, D Rudnick, KC DeJonge, TH Lo, D Heeren, X Qiao, ...
Agricultural Water Management 274, 107957, 2022
A Quantitative Review of Irrigation Development in the Yazoo–Mississippi Delta from 1991 to 2020
TH Lo, HC Pringle III
Agronomy 11 (12), 2548, 2021
Energy Conservation Using Variable Frequency Drives for Center-Pivot Irrigation Systems Equipped with Corner Watering Attachments
D Brar, WL Kranz, TH Lo, S Irmak, DL Martin
Transactions of the ASABE 62 (5), 1395-1408, 2019
Potential irrigation reductions from increasing precipitation utilization with variable rate irrigation
TH Lo, DM Heeren, L Mateos, JD Luck, DL Martin, DE Eisenhauer
2015 ASABE/IA Irrigation Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable …, 2015
Quantification of variable rate irrigation benefits and spatial variability in root zone water holding capacity
Two source energy balance maize evapotranspiration estimates using close-canopy mobile infrared sensors and upscaling methods under variable water stress conditions
A Katimbo, DR Rudnick, W Liang, KC DeJonge, TH Lo, TE Franz, Y Ge, ...
Agricultural Water Management 274, 107972, 2022
Effects of low-till parabolic subsoiling frequency and furrow irrigation frequency on maize in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta
JP Rix, TH Lo, DM Gholson, HCL Pringle III, GD Spencer, G Singh
Agricultural Water Management 274, 107945, 2022
Reply to comments on “Performance assessment of factory and field calibrations for electromagnetic sensors in a loam soil”
DR Rudnick, T Lo, J Singh, R Werle, F Muñoz-Arriola, T Shaver, CA Burr, ...
Agricultural Water Management 203, 272-276, 2018
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