Philipp Assmy
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Cited by
Synthesis of iron fertilization experiments: from the iron age in the age of enlightenment
HJW De Baar, PW Boyd, KH Coale, MR Landry, A Tsuda, P Assmy, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 110 (C9), 2005
Deep carbon export from a Southern Ocean iron-fertilized diatom bloom
V Smetacek, C Klaas, VH Strass, P Assmy, M Montresor, B Cisewski, ...
Nature 487 (7407), 313-319, 2012
Arctic spring awakening - Steering principles behind the phenology of vernal ice algal blooms
E Leu, CJ Mundy, P Assmy, K Campbell, TM Gabrielsen, M Gosselin, ...
Progress in Oceanography 139, 151-170, 2015
The role of grazing in structuring Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles
V Smetacek, P Assmy, J Henjes
Antarctic science 16 (4), 541-558, 2004
Leads in Arctic pack ice enable early phytoplankton blooms below snow-covered sea ice
P Assmy, M Fernandez-Mendez, P Duarte, A Meyer, A Randelhoff, ...
Scientific Reports 7, 40850, 2017
The importance of tidewater glaciers for marine mammals and seabirds in Svalbard, Norway
C Lydersen, P Assmy, S Falk-Petersen, J Kohler, KM Kovacs, M Reigstad, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 129, 452-471, 2014
Thick-shelled, grazer-protected diatoms decouple ocean carbon and silicon cycles in the iron-limited Antarctic Circumpolar Current
P Assmy, V Smetacek, M Montresor, C Klaas, J Henjes, VH Strass, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (51), 20633-20638, 2013
A global diatom database - abundance, biovolume and biomass in the world ocean.
K Leblanc, J Aristegui, L Armand, P Assmy, B Beker, A Bode, E Breton, ...
Earth Systems Science Data 4, 149 - 165, 2012
Selected physical, biological and biogeochemical implications of a rapidly changing Arctic Marginal Ice Zone
Barber, D G., H Hop, CJ Mundy, B Else, IA Dmitrenko, JE Tremblay, ...
Progress in Oceanography 139, 122-150, 2015
The future of Arctic sea-ice biogeochemistry and ice-associated ecosystems
D Lannuzel, L Tedesco, M van Leeuwe, K Campbell, H Flores, Delille, ...
Nature Climate Change 10 (11), 983-992, 2020
Different reactions of Southern Ocean phytoplankton size classes to iron fertilization
LJ Hoffmann, I Peeken, K Lochte, P Assmy, M Veldhuis
Limnology and Oceanography 51 (3), 1217-1229, 2006
Microalgal community structure and primary production in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice: A synthesis
MA van Leeuwe, L Tedesco, KR Arrigo, P Assmy, K Campbell, ...
Elementa - Science of the Anthropocene 6 (4), 2018
Under-Ice Phytoplankton Blooms: Shedding Light on the "Invisible" Part of Arctic Primary Production
M Ardyna, CJ Mundy, N Mayot, LC Matthes, L Oziel, C Horvat, E Leu, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 2020
Arctic research on thin ice: Consequences of Arctic sea ice loss.
MA Granskog, P Assmy, S Gerland, G Spreen, H Steen, LH Smedsrud
EOS Transactions AGU 97, 22-26, 2016
Mechanisms determining species dominance in a phytoplankton bloom induced by the iron fertilization experiment EisenEx in the Southern Ocean
P Assmy, J Henjes, C Klaas, V Smetacek
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 54 (3), 340-362, 2007
Floating ice-algal aggregates below melting Arctic sea ice
P Assmy, JK Ehn, M Fernández-Méndez, H Hop, C Katlein, A Sundfjord, ...
PLoS One 8 (10), e76599, 2013
Winter storms accelerate the demise of sea ice in the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean
RM Graham, P Itkin, A Meyer, A Sundfjord, G Spreen, LH Smedsrud, ...
Scientific Reports 9, doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-45574-5, 2019
Tidewater Glaciers and Bedrock Characteristics Control the Phytoplankton Growth Environment in a Fjord in the Arctic
L Halbach, M Vihtakari, P Duarte, A Everett, MA Granskog, H Hop, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00254, 2019
Comparative molecular and morphological phylogenetic analyses of taxa in the Chaetocerotaceae (Bacillariophyta)
WHCF Kooistra, D Sarno, DU Hernández-Becerril, P Assmy, C Di Prisco, ...
Phycologia 49 (5), 471-500, 2010
Environmental drivers of under-ice phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the Arctic Ocean
M Ardyna, CJ Mundy, MM Mills, L Oziel, PL Grondin, L Lacour, G Verin, ...
Elementa - Science of the Anthropocene 8, 2020
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Articles 1–20