Piotr Kittel
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Environmental influence on forest development and decline in the Warta River valley (Central Poland) during the Late Weichselian
DA Dzieduszyńska, P Kittel, J Petera-Zganiacz, SJ Brooks, K Korzeń, ...
Quaternary International 324, 99-114, 2014
Multiproxy study of anthropogenic and climatic changes in the last two millennia from a small mire in central Poland
M Lamentowicz, Z Balwierz, J Forysiak, M Płóciennik, P Kittel, M Kloss, ...
Palaeolimnological Proxies as Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh …, 2009
Drought as a stress driver of ecological changes in peatland-A palaeoecological study of peatland development between 3500 BCE and 200 BCE in central Poland
M Słowiński, K Marcisz, M Płóciennik, M Obremska, D Pawłowski, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 461, 272-291, 2016
Slope deposits as an indicator of anthropopressure in the light of research in Central Poland
P Kittel
Quaternary International 324, 34-55, 2014
Always on the tipping point–A search for signals of past societies and related peatland ecosystem critical transitions during the last 6500 years in N Poland
M Lamentowicz, P Kołaczek, D Mauquoy, P Kittel, E Łokas, M Słowiński, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 225, 105954, 2019
Younger Dryas flood events: A case study from the middle Warta River valley (Central Poland)
J Petera-Zganiacz, DA Dzieduszyńska, J Twardy, D Pawłowski, ...
Quaternary International 386, 55-69, 2015
Palaeoecological record of natural changes and human impact in a small river valley in Central Poland
D Pawłowski, K Milecka, P Kittel, M Woszczyk, W Spychalski
Quaternary International 370, 12-28, 2015
A multi-proxy reconstruction from Lutomiersk–Koziówki, Central Poland, in the context of early modern hemp and flax processing
P Kittel, B Muzolf, M Płóciennik, S Elias, SJ Brooks, M Lutyńska, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 50, 318-337, 2014
On the border between land and water: the environmental conditions of the Neolithic occupation from 4.3 until 1.6 ka BC at Serteya, Western Russia
P Kittel, A Mazurkevich, M Wieckowska‐Lüth, D Pawłowski, E Dolbunova, ...
Geoarchaeology 36 (2), 173-202, 2021
Fen ecosystem responses to water‐level fluctuations during the early and middle Holocene in central Europe: a case study from Wilczków, Poland
M Płóciennik, A Kruk, J Forysiak, D Pawłowski, K Mianowicz, S Elias, ...
Boreas 44 (4), 721-740, 2015
Subsistence strategies and the origin of early Neolithic community in the lower Don River valley (Rakushechny Yar site, early/middle 6th millennium cal BC): First results
EV Dolbunova, VV Tsybryi, AN Mazurkevich, AV Tsybryi, J Szmańda, ...
Quaternary international 541, 115-129, 2020
Late Vistulian and Holocene changes in the Ner river valley in light of geological and palaeoecological data from the Ner-Zawada peatland
J Forysiak, M Obremska, D Pawłowski, P Kittel
Geologija 52 (1-4), 25-33, 2010
Early Holocene hydrology and environments of the Ner River (Poland)
P Kittel, M Płóciennik, RK Borόwka, D Okupny, D Pawłowski, O Peyron, ...
Quaternary Research 85 (2), 187-203, 2016
Uwarunkowania środowiskowe lokalizacji osadnictwa pradziejowego na Pojezierzu Kaszubskim iw północnej części Borów Tucholskich
P Kittel
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2005
Chironomidae morphological types and functional feeding groups as a habitat complexity vestige
O Antczak-Orlewska, M Płóciennik, R Sobczyk, D Okupny, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 583831, 2021
Dynamika procesów morfogenetycznych uruchomionych i zintensyfikowanych wskutek pradziejowej działalności ludzkiej w pradolinie warszawsko-berlińskiej
J Twardy, J Forysiak, P Kittel
Acta Geographica Lodziensia 88, 85-117, 2004
Disturbance and resilience of a Sphagnum peatland in western Russia (Western Dvina Lakeland) during the last 300 years: A multiproxy, high-resolution study
D Łuców, M Lamentowicz, M Obremska, M Arkhipova, P Kittel, E Łokas, ...
The Holocene 30 (11), 1552-1566, 2020
The palaeoecological development of the Late Medieval moat-Multiproxy research at Rozprza, Central Poland
P Kittel, J Sikora, O Antczak, SJ Brooks, S Elias, M Krąpiec, TP Luoto, ...
Quaternary International 482, 131-156, 2018
A Late Medieval motte‐and‐bailey settlement in a lowland river valley landscape of Central Poland
P Kittel, J Sikora, P Wroniecki
Geoarchaeology 33 (5), 558-578, 2018
Useful plants from the site Lutomiersk–Koziówki near Łódź (central Poland) with special reference to the earliest find of Xanthium strumarium L. seeds in Europe
A Mueller-Bieniek, P Kittel, B Muzolf, P Muzolf
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 3, 275-284, 2015
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