Thais Laerkholm Jensen
Thais Laerkholm Jensen
Copenhagen University and Danmarks Nationalbank
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Household debt and spending during the financial crisis: Evidence from Danish micro data
AL Andersen, C Duus, TL Jensen
European Economic Review 89, 96-115, 2016
The consumption effects of the 2007–2008 financial crisis: Evidence from households in Denmark
TL Jensen, N Johannesen
American Economic Review 107 (11), 3386-3414, 2017
Financing constraints, home equity and selection into entrepreneurship
TL Jensen, S Leth-Petersen, R Nanda
Journal of Financial Economics 145 (2), 318-337, 2022
The distortive effects of too big to fail: Evidence from the Danish market for retail deposits
R Iyer, T Lærkholm Jensen, N Johannesen, A Sheridan
The Review of Financial Studies 32 (12), 4653-4695, 2019
Cyclicality and Firm-size in Private Firm Defaults
T Jensen, D Lando, M Medhat
International Journal of Central Banking, 2016
The real effects of higher capital requirements: Evidence from danish firm-level data
TL Jensen
Available at SSRN 2315551, 2015
AI and machine learning in the financial sector: Five focus points
A Martinello, TL Jensen, E Grenestam, BB Meyer
Economic Memo, 2022
Substantial transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through casual contact in retail stores: Evidence from matched administrative microdata on card payments and testing
N Johannesen, A Tang-Andersen Martinello, BB Meyer, ET Vestergaard, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (17), e2317589121, 2024
A data-driven, risk-based approach to strengthen the fight against money laundering
TL Jensen, ATA Martinello, BM Mønsted
IFC Bulletins chapters 55, 2021
Credit supply and the real economy
TL Jensen
Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, 2015
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