Mao Mao
Mao Mao
Verifisert e-postadresse på cam.ac.uk
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Exploring factors influencing multitasking interaction with multiple smart devices
Y Zhang, M Mao, PLP Rau, P Choe, L Bela, F Wang
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (6), 2579-2588, 2013
Exploring interactive style and user experience design for social web of things of Chinese users: A case study in Beijing
PLP Rau, E Huang, M Mao, Q Gao, C Feng, Y Zhang
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 80, 24-35, 2015
Understanding meaningful participation and the situated use of technology in community music for active ageing
M Mao, AF Blackwell, DA Good
Interacting with Computers 32 (2), 185-208, 2020
Supporting retirement socially and musically by technology: An ethnographic study of local community musicians
M Mao, AF Blackwell, JM Lukate, DA Good
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2016
Testing ageing theory among later middle-aged and older users using social media
M Mao, D Stillwell, M Kosinski, D Good
Companion of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work …, 2017
EEG-based measurement of emotion induced by mode, rhythm, and mv of chinese pop music
M Mao, PLP Rau
Cross-Cultural Design: 6th International Conference, CCD 2014, Held as Part …, 2014
Understanding the use and motivation of digital music technologies among middle-aged and older adults
M Mao, DA Good
Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference, 2018
Should Internet of Things Be Human-like? Exploring Social Media Users’ Acceptance on Anthropomorphic Internet of Things
M Mao, PLP Rau
Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design, 117, 2021
Active Ageing with Music and Technology: Meaningful Participation and the Situated Use of Technology in Community Music
M Mao
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