Miguel Ecar
Miguel Ecar
Federal University of Pampa - UNIPAMPA
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Cited by
A systematic literature review of UML-based domain-specific modeling languages for self-adaptive systems
JPS da Silva, M Ecar, MS Pimenta, GTA Guedes, LP Franz, L Marchezan
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Engineering for …, 2018
Cosmic user story standard
M Ecar, F Kepler, JPS da Silva
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 19th …, 2018
Empirical evaluation of formal method for requirements specification in agile approaches
P Rodrigues, M Ecar, SV Menezes, JPS da Silva, GTA Guedes, ...
Proceedings of the XIV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-8, 2018
Utilizando aprendizado baseado em problemas para o ensino de paradigmas de programação
AF Finger, JPS da Silva, M Ecar
Anais do XXXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 135-144, 2021
AutoCosmic: COSMIC automated estimation and management tool
M Ecar, FN Kepler, JPS da Silva
Proceedings of the XIV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-8, 2018
Assessment gamification with fhoment methodology: An action research based case study
M Ecar, JPS da Silva
Anais do XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 582-591, 2020
Towards a domain-specific modeling language for self-adaptive systems conceptual modeling
JPS da Silva, M Ecar, MS Pimenta, GTA Guedes, EM Rodrigues
Proceedings of the XXXII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 208-213, 2018
Software process improvement diagnostic: A snowballing systematic literature review
M Ecar, JPS da Silva, N Amorim, EM Rodrigues, F Basso, TG Soldá
2020 XLVI Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 156-164, 2020
Towards a framework for self-adaptive systems conceptual modeling
JOPS Da Silva, MS Pimenta, M Ecar, DM Giordano, J Chagas, ...
Proceedings of the XIX Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 325-331, 2023
Badge: Towards a domain ontology for spi resources
M Ecar, JPS da Silva, A Finger, TG Soldá
2020 XLVI Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 222-231, 2020
Avaliação Empírica do Método Formal para Especificação de Requisitos em Abordagens Ágeis
P Rodrigues, M Ecar, SV Menezes, JPS da Silva, GTA Guedes, ...
Anais do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, 416-423, 2018
Improving self-adaptive systems conceptual modeling
JPS da Silva, M Ecar, MS Pimenta, FN Kepler, GTA Guedes, CM Betemps
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1292-1299, 2018
Demeter: A Rice Panicle Grain Loss Detection Software
DM Giordano, JPS Da Silva, M Ecar
Proceedings of the 20th Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-9, 2024
Reengenharia e Evolução de um Software para Reconhecimento de Diagramas de Classe UML
AM Becker, JPS da Silva, M Ecar
Anais da VII Escola Regional de Engenharia de Software, 80-89, 2023
Aprendizado de Lógica Matemática: Avaliação de Apps para Tabela Verdade e Recomendação de Uso
BA Dias, MB Otokovieski, AF Finger, JPS da Silva, M Ecar
Anais do XXVII Workshop de Informática na Escola, 96-105, 2021
Intelligent classification of SPI practices and evidences based on NLP and semantic similarity
MS Ecar
Universidade Federal do Pampa, 2021
Work Like Ants! Atta 2.0: Dealing with Self-Organized Teams
M Ecar, JPS da Silva
Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, 1-8, 2021
AutoCosmic: Ferramenta de Estimativa e Gerenciamento Automatizada COSMIC
M Ecar, FN Kepler, JPS da Silva
Anais do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, 481-488, 2018
AutoCosmic: platform for COSMIC automated estimation and management
MS Ecar
Universidade Federal do Pampa, 2017
Atta Method: A Nature Based Approach
M Ecar
Anais da I Escola Regional de Engenharia de Software, 9-16, 2017
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Articles 1–20