Kenneth W Harrison
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Cited by
A philosophical basis for hydrological uncertainty
GS Nearing, Y Tian, HV Gupta, MP Clark, KW Harrison, SV Weijs
Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (9), 1666-1678, 2016
A comparison of methods for a priori bias correction in soil moisture data assimilation
SV Kumar, RH Reichle, KW Harrison, CD Peters‐Lidard, ...
Water Resources Research 48 (3), 2012
An evaluation of microwave land surface emissivities over the continental United States to benefit GPM-era precipitation algorithms
RR Ferraro, CD Peters-Lidard, C Hernandez, FJ Turk, F Aires, C Prigent, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51 (1), 378-398, 2012
The value of health benefits from ambient air quality improvements in Central and Eastern Europe: An exercise in benefits transfer
A fnKrupnick, K fnHarrison, E fnNickell, M fnToman
Environmental and Resource Economics 7, 307-332, 1996
Decision support tool for life-cycle-based solid waste management
KW Harrison, RD Dumas, E Solano, MA Barlaz, ED Brill, SR Ranjithan
Journal of computing in civil engineering 15 (1), 44-58, 2001
Life-cycle-based solid waste management. II: Illustrative applications
E Solano, RD Dumas, KW Harrison, SR Ranjithan, MA Barlaz, ...
Journal of Environmental Engineering 128 (10), 993-1005, 2002
Performance metrics, error modeling, and uncertainty quantification
Y Tian, GS Nearing, CD Peters-Lidard, KW Harrison, L Tang
Monthly Weather Review 144 (2), 607-613, 2016
A life-cycle inventory model of municipal solid waste combustion
KW Harrison, RD Dumas, MA Barlaz, SR Nishtala
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 50 (6), 993-1003, 2000
Community resilience-focused technical investigation of the 2016 Lumberton, North Carolina, flood: An interdisciplinary approach
JW Van de Lindt, WG Peacock, J Mitrani-Reiser, N Rosenheim, D Deniz, ...
Natural Hazards Review 21 (3), 04020029, 2020
Land surface Verification Toolkit (LVT)–a generalized framework for land surface model evaluation
SV Kumar, CD Peters-Lidard, J Santanello, K Harrison, Y Liu, M Shaw
Geoscientific Model Development 5 (3), 869-886, 2012
Impact of land model calibration on coupled land–atmosphere prediction
JA Santanello, SV Kumar, CD Peters-Lidard, K Harrison, S Zhou
Journal of Hydrometeorology 14 (5), 1373-1400, 2013
Quantifying the change in soil moisture modeling uncertainty from remote sensing observations using Bayesian inference techniques
KW Harrison, SV Kumar, CD Peters‐Lidard, JA Santanello
Water Resources Research 48 (11), 2012
Quantifying uncertainties in land-surface microwave emissivity retrievals
Y Tian, CD Peters-Lidard, KW Harrison, C Prigent, H Norouzi, F Aires, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (2), 829-840, 2013
Improving efficiency of the Bayesian approach to water distribution contaminant source characterization with support vector regression
H Wang, KW Harrison
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140 (1), 3-11, 2014
An adaptive cyberinfrastructure for threat management in urban water distribution systems
K Mahinthakumar, G von Laszewski, R Ranjithan, D Brill, J Uber, ...
Computational Science–ICCS 2006: 6th International Conference, Reading, UK …, 2006
Two-stage decision-making under uncertainty and stochasticity: Bayesian Programming
KW Harrison
Advances in water resources 30 (3), 641-664, 2007
An examination of methods for estimating land surface microwave emissivity
Y Tian, CD Peters‐Lidard, KW Harrison, Y You, S Ringerud, S Kumar, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 120 (21), 11,114-11,128, 2015
A comparison of microwave window channel retrieved and forward-modeled emissivities over the US Southern Great Plains
S Ringerud, C Kummerow, C Peters-Lidard, Y Tian, K Harrison
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 52 (5), 2395-2412, 2013
Bayesian Update Method for Contaminant Source Characterization in Water Distribution Systems
H Wang, KW Harrison
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 1, 160, 2011
Experimental characterization and optimization of hybrid FRP/RC bridge superstructure system
Y Chen, PH Ziehl, KW Harrison
Journal of Bridge Engineering 14 (1), 45-54, 2009
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Articles 1–20