Chenwei Wu
Chenwei Wu
Ph.D. student in Computer Science, Duke University
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Towards understanding the data dependency of mixup-style training
M Chidambaram, X Wang, Y Hu, C Wu, R Ge
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.07647, 2021
Dissecting hessian: Understanding common structure of hessian in neural networks
Y Wu, X Zhu, C Wu, A Wang, R Ge
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04261, 2020
Guarantees for tuning the step size using a learning-to-learn approach
X Wang, S Yuan, C Wu, R Ge
International Conference on Machine Learning, 10981-10990, 2021
Rong Ge. Dissecting hessian: Understanding common structure of hessian in neural networks
Y Wu, X Zhu, C Wu, A Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04261 2, 2020
No spurious local minima in a two hidden unit relu network
C Wu, J Luo, JD Lee
Beyond lazy training for over-parameterized tensor decomposition
X Wang, C Wu, JD Lee, T Ma, R Ge
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 21934-21944, 2020
Provably learning diverse features in multi-view data with midpoint mixup
M Chidambaram, X Wang, C Wu, R Ge
International Conference on Machine Learning, 5563-5599, 2023
Secure data sharing with flow model
C Wu, C Du, Y Yuan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.11762, 2020
Hiding data helps: on the benefits of masking for sparse coding
M Chidambaram, C Wu, Y Cheng, R Ge
International Conference on Machine Learning, 5600-5615, 2023
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