Academic self‐concept, interest, grades, and standardized test scores: Reciprocal effects models of causal ordering HW Marsh, U Trautwein, O Lüdtke, O Köller, J Baumert Child development 76 (2), 397-416, 2005 | 1920 | 2005 |
Emotional transmission in the classroom: exploring the relationship between teacher and student enjoyment. AC Frenzel, T Goetz, O Lüdtke, R Pekrun, RE Sutton Journal of educational psychology 101 (3), 705, 2009 | 1322 | 2009 |
Classical latent profile analysis of academic self-concept dimensions: Synergy of person-and variable-centered approaches to theoretical models of self-concept HW Marsh, O Lüdtke, U Trautwein, AJS Morin Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 16 (2), 191-225, 2009 | 1315 | 2009 |
Exploratory structural equation modeling, integrating CFA and EFA: Application to students' evaluations of university teaching HW Marsh, B Muthén, T Asparouhov, O Lüdtke, A Robitzsch, AJS Morin, ... Structural equation modeling: A multidisciplinary journal 16 (3), 439-476, 2009 | 1299 | 2009 |
A new look at the big five factor structure through exploratory structural equation modeling. HW Marsh, O Lüdtke, B Muthén, T Asparouhov, AJS Morin, U Trautwein, ... Psychological assessment 22 (3), 471, 2010 | 1098 | 2010 |
Professional development across the teaching career: Teachers’ uptake of formal and informal learning opportunities D Richter, M Kunter, U Klusmann, O Lüdtke, J Baumert Teachers’ professional development, 97-121, 2014 | 1004 | 2014 |
The multilevel latent covariate model: a new, more reliable approach to group-level effects in contextual studies. O Lüdtke, HW Marsh, A Robitzsch, U Trautwein, T Asparouhov, B Muthén Psychological methods 13 (3), 203, 2008 | 983 | 2008 |
Umgang mit fehlenden Werten in der psychologischen Forschung O Lüdtke, A Robitzsch, U Trautwein, O Köller Psychologische Rundschau 58 (2), 103-117, 2007 | 895 | 2007 |
Teachers' occupational well-being and quality of instruction: The important role of self-regulatory patterns. U Klusmann, M Kunter, U Trautwein, O Lüdtke, J Baumert Journal of educational psychology 100 (3), 702, 2008 | 852 | 2008 |
Probing for the multiplicative term in modern expectancy–value theory: a latent interaction modeling study. U Trautwein, HW Marsh, B Nagengast, O Lüdtke, G Nagy, K Jonkmann Journal of educational psychology 104 (3), 763, 2012 | 708 | 2012 |
Classroom climate and contextual effects: Conceptual and methodological issues in the evaluation of group-level effects HW Marsh, O Lüdtke, B Nagengast, U Trautwein, AJS Morin, ... Educational psychologist 47 (2), 106-124, 2012 | 708 | 2012 |
Predicting homework effort: support for a domain-specific, multilevel homework model. U Trautwein, O Lüdtke, I Schnyder, A Niggli Journal of educational psychology 98 (2), 438, 2006 | 705 | 2006 |
Self-esteem, academic self-concept, and achievement: how the learning environment moderates the dynamics of self-concept. U Trautwein, O Lüdtke, O Köller, J Baumert Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (2), 334, 2006 | 681 | 2006 |
What makes lessons interesting? The role of situational and individual factors in three school subjects. YM Tsai, M Kunter, O Lüdtke, U Trautwein, RM Ryan Journal of educational psychology 100 (2), 460, 2008 | 654 | 2008 |
Assessing the impact of learning environments: How to use student ratings of classroom or school characteristics in multilevel modeling O Lüdtke, A Robitzsch, U Trautwein, M Kunter Contemporary educational psychology 34 (2), 120-131, 2009 | 635 | 2009 |
Tracking, grading, and student motivation: Using group composition and status to predict self-concept and interest in ninth-grade mathematics. U Trautwein, O Lüdtke, HW Marsh, O Köller, J Baumert Journal of educational psychology 98 (4), 788, 2006 | 633 | 2006 |
Short assessment of the Big Five: Robust across survey methods except telephone interviewing FR Lang, D John, O Lüdtke, J Schupp, GG Wagner Behavior research methods 43, 548-567, 2011 | 622 | 2011 |
Do girls really experience more anxiety in mathematics? T Goetz, M Bieg, O Lüdtke, R Pekrun, NC Hall Psychological science 24 (10), 2079-2087, 2013 | 615 | 2013 |
A random walk down university avenue: life paths, life events, and personality trait change at the transition to university life. O Lüdtke, BW Roberts, U Trautwein, G Nagy Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (3), 620, 2011 | 614 | 2011 |
The big-fish–little-pond-effect stands up to critical scrutiny: Implications for theory, methodology, and future research HW Marsh, M Seaton, U Trautwein, O Lüdtke, KT Hau, AJ O’Mara, ... Educational psychology review 20, 319-350, 2008 | 613 | 2008 |