fred mugivane
fred mugivane
Doctor of Agricultural and Socio-economics
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Evaluation of information and communication technology utilization by small holder banana farmers in Gatanga District, Kenya
SOL Mwombe, FI Mugivane, IS Adolwa, JH Nderitu
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 20 (2), 247-261, 2014
Profitability of agro-forestry based soil fertility management technologies: the case of small holder food production in Western Kenya
JM Maithya, LN Kimenye, FI Mugivane, JJ Ramisch
Advances in Integrated Soil Fertility Management in sub-Saharan Africa …, 2007
Applying social network analysis, centrality measures in identification of climate change adaptation opinion leaders
J Othieno, F Mugivane, P Nyaga, W Ogara, G Muchemi
International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology …, 2016
Introduction to computer
FI Mugivane
Publisher: Advatech Office Supplies Ltd Soin Arcade Ground Floor, Westlands …, 2014
Non-credit services of group-based financial institutions: Implications for smallholder women's honey income in arid and semi arid lands of Kenya
PS Otieno, RA Nyikal, FI Mugivane
Are commercial crops displacing food crops and compromising Kenya’s food security?
JM Maithya, FI Mugivane, JR Busienei, E Chimoita, HT Nyang’ang
Prime Journal of Business Administration and Management (BAM 5 (3), 2015
Factors leading to slow growth in listed firms on Stock Markets in the East Africa Region: The case of Nairobi Security Exchange (NSE)
G Ndiritu, F Mugivane
Prime Journal of Business Administration and Management 5 (7), 1886-1890, 2015
Dairy cattle husbandry among women farmers in Vihiga District: prospects and constraints
FI Mugivane
Rethink communication skills content in African veterinary curriculum and practice": a comparative review.
OJ Othieno, FI Mugivane, PN Nyaga, W Ogara
Information and Communication Technologies and agricultural knowledge management: Comparative assessment of peri-urban and rural settings in Kenya
DA Odongo, F Mugivane, F Olubayo
Third RUFORUM Biennial Meeting, 24-28, 2012
Current challenges and opportunities in livestock and product marketing in Kenya.
FI Mugivane, WO Ogara
Prospects and constraints facing women small-scale dairy farmers in Vihiga District, Western Kenya.
FI Mugivane, WO Ogara
Factors leading to slow growth in listed firms on stock markets in the East Africa region: the case of Nairobi Security Exchange (NSE).
FI Mugivane
University of Nairobi, 2015
Are commercial crops displacing food crops and compromising Kenya’s food security?
F Mugivane, E Chimoita, HT Nyang'anga
University of Nairobi, 2015
" Rethink communication skills content in African veterinary curriculum and practice": a comparative review
FI Mugivane, W Ogara, PN Nyaga, OJ Othieno
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nairobi, 2015
Are commercial crops displacing food crops and compromising Kenya's food security?
MI Babu, JM Maithya, HT Nyang'anga, E Chimoita, JR Busienei, ...
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nairobi, 2015
Farmers’ Requirements in an Artificial Intelligent System for Diagnosis of Maize Diseases in Kenya
HT Nyang’anga, WO Okelo, FI Mugivane, JM Demesi, GT Opande
Information and Communication Technologies and agricultural knowledge
DA Odongo, F Mugivane, FM Olubayo
Adoption of ICTs for agricultural information access among smallholder farmers in Kenya.
DA Odongo, FI Mugivane, FM Olubayo
Factors influencing adoption of maize storage technologies in Malawi
D Kachingwe-Phiri, C Ackello-Ogutu, FI Mugivane
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Articles 1–20