Enrico Maria Piras
Enrico Maria Piras
Fondazione Bruno Kessler; University of Verona
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Clinical self-tracking and monitoring technologies: negotiations in the ICT-mediated patient–provider relationship
EM Piras, F Miele
Health Sociology Review 26 (1), 38-53, 2017
Data work in healthcare: An Introduction
C Bossen, KH Pine, F Cabitza, G Ellingsen, EM Piras
Health informatics journal 25 (3), 465-474, 2019
Prescriptions, x-rays and grocery lists. Designing a Personal Health Record to support (the invisible work of) health information management in the household
EM Piras, A Zanutto
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 19, 585-613, 2010
Creating a whatsapp dataset to study pre-teen cyberbullying
R Sprugnoli, S Menini, S Tonelli, F Oncini, E Piras
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online (ALW2), 51-59, 2018
Care in practice. On normativity, concepts, and boundaries
A Mol, I Moser, EM Piras, M Turrini, J Pols, A Zanutto
Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies 2 (1), 73-86, 2011
On digital intimacy: Redefining provider-patient relationships in remote monitoring
EM Piras, F Miele
Sociology of Health & Illness 41, 116-131, 2019
Integrating mHealth in oncology: experience in the province of Trento
E Galligioni, EM Piras, M Galvagni, C Eccher, S Caramatti, D Zanolli, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 17 (5), e3743, 2015
“One day it will be you who tells us doctors what to do!”. Exploring the “Personal” of PHR in paediatric diabetes management
EM Piras, A Zanutto
Information Technology & People 27 (4), 2014
School Interventions for Bullying–Cyberbullying Prevention in Adolescents: Insights from the UPRIGHT and CREEP Projects
S Gabrielli, S Rizzi, S Carbone, EM Piras
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (21), 11697, 2021
The Consequences of Type 1 Diabetes Onset On Family Life. An Integrative Review
S Fornasini, F Miele, EM Piras
Journal of Child and Family Studies 29, 1467–1483, 2020
Optimisation and validation of a remote monitoring system (Onco-TreC) for home-based management of oral anticancer therapies: an Italian multicentre feasibility study
A Passardi, M Rizzo, F Maines, C Tondini, A Zambelli, R Vespignani, ...
BMJ open 7 (5), e014617, 2017
The shaping of patient 2.0.-exploring agencies, technologies and discourses in new healthcare practices
P Danholt, EM Piras, C Storni, A Zanutto
Science & Technology Studies 2013, 3-13, 2013
Beyond self-tracking: Exploring and unpacking four emerging labels of patient data work.
EM Piras
Health informatics journal, 1460458219833121-1460458219833121, 2019
Electronic Medical Record–Assisted Telephone Follow-Up of Breast Cancer Survivors During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Single Institution Experience
V Merz, A Ferro, EM Piras, A Zanutto, O Caffo, C Messina
JCO oncology practice 17 (1), e44-e52, 2021
TreC–a REST-based Regional PHR
C Eccher, EM Piras, M Stenico
User Centred Networked Health Care, 108-112, 2011
Using a mobile app to manage type 1 diabetes: The case of TreC diabetes
F Miele, C Eccher, EM Piras
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Health 2015, 113-114, 2015
Introduction to the special issue on ‘information infrastructures in healthcare: governance, quality improvement and service efficiency’
C Bossen, EM Piras
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 29, 381-386, 2020
Drawings as a link to emotional data – A slippery territory
TS Jensen, J Voigt, EM Piras, BR Thorsen
The Handbook of Experiential Learning & Management Education, 345-360, 2007
Prototyping a personal health record taking social and usability perspectives into account
EM Piras, B Purin, M Stenico, S Forti
Electronic Healthcare: Second International ICST Conference, eHealth 2009 …, 2010
Implementation of tele visit healthcare services triggered by the COVID-19 emergency: the Trentino Province experience
S Testa, O Mayora-Ibarra, EM Piras, O Balagna, S Micocci, A Zanutto, ...
Journal of Public Health 30 (1), 77-92, 2022
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Articles 1–20