New media and political marketing in the United States: 2012 and beyond TL Towner, DA Dulio Political Marketing in Retrospective and Prospective, 103-127, 2014 | 177 | 2014 |
For better or worse?: How political consultants are changing elections in the United States DA Dulio Suny Press, 2004 | 175 | 2004 |
An experiment of campaign effects during the YouTube election TL Towner, DA Dulio New media & society 13 (4), 626-644, 2011 | 147 | 2011 |
Untangled web: Internet use during the 1998 election DA Dulio, DL Goff, JA Thurber PS: Political Science & Politics 32 (1), 53-59, 1999 | 141 | 1999 |
Crowded airwaves: Campaign advertising in elections JA Thurber, CJ Nelson, DA Dulio Rowman & Littlefield, 2001 | 122 | 2001 |
The Web 2.0 election: Does the online medium matter? TL Towner, DA Dulio Strategy, Money and Technology in the 2008 Presidential Election, 258-281, 2014 | 109 | 2014 |
527 Committees and the political party network RM Skinner, SE Masket, DA Dulio American Politics Research 40 (1), 60-84, 2012 | 85 | 2012 |
Political party adaptation in US congressional campaigns: Why political parties use coordinated expenditures to hire political consultants R Kolodny, DA Dulio Party Politics 9 (6), 729-746, 2003 | 61 | 2003 |
Effectiveness of negative political advertising RR Lau, L Sigelman Crowded airwaves: Campaign advertising in elections, 10-43, 2000 | 61 | 2000 |
Portrait of campaign consultants JA Thurber, CJ Nelson, DA Dulio Campaign warriors: Political consultants in elections, 10-36, 2000 | 48 | 2000 |
Vital signs: Perspectives on the health of American campaigning DA Dulio, CJ Nelson Rowman & Littlefield, 2006 | 28 | 2006 |
Shades of gray: Perspectives on campaign ethics CJ Nelson, DA Dulio, SK Medvic Brookings Institution Press, 2002 | 28 | 2002 |
527 Committees, formal parties, and party adaptation R Skinner, S Masket, D Dulio The Forum 11 (2), 137-156, 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
The permanent campaign DA Dulio, TL Towner Routledge handbook of political management, 83-97, 2010 | 22 | 2010 |
America's two-party system: friend or foe DA Dulio, JA Thurber Admin. L. Rev. 52, 769, 2000 | 22 | 2000 |
The symbiotic relationship between political parties and political consultants: Partners past, present, and future DA Dulio, JA Thurber The State of the Parties: The Changing Role of Contemporary American Parties …, 2003 | 18 | 2003 |
Party crashers? The relationship between political consultants and political parties DA Dulio Handbook of party politics, 348-358, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |
The Web 2.0 Election: Voter Learning in the 2008 Presidential Campaign 1 TL Towner, DA Dulio Techno politics in presidential campaigning, 22-43, 2014 | 15 | 2014 |
Brookings Institution AC Nelson, DA Dulio Center on Urban and Metropolitan Policy, 2002 | 15 | 2002 |
Running on Iraq or running from Iraq? Conditional issue ownership in the 2006 midterm elections DA Dulio, PF Trumbore Political Research Quarterly 62 (2), 230-243, 2009 | 14 | 2009 |