Pierluigi Conzo
Pierluigi Conzo
Associate Professor, University of Turin - Dept. of Economics & Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis"
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Violence, trust, and trustworthiness: evidence from a Nairobi slum
L Becchetti, P Conzo, A Romeo
Oxford Economic Papers 66 (1), 283-305, 2014
Understanding the heterogeneity of COVID-19 deaths and contagions: the role of air pollution and lockdown decisions
L Becchetti, G Conzo, P Conzo, F Salustri
Journal of Environmental Management, 114316, 2021
A war is forever: The long-run effects of early exposure to World War II on trust
P Conzo, F Salustri
European Economic Review, 103313, 2019
Enhancing capabilities through credit access: Creditworthiness as a signal of trustworthiness under asymmetric information
L Becchetti, P Conzo
Journal of Public Economics 95 (3), 265-278, 2011
Market access, organic farming and productivity: the effects of Fair Trade affiliation on Thai farmer producer groups
L Becchetti, P Conzo, G Gianfreda
Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics 56 (1), 117-140, 2012
Disaster, aid, and preferences: The long-run impact of the tsunami on giving in Sri Lanka
L Becchetti, S Castriota, P Conzo
World Development 94, 157-173, 2017
Childhood exposure to the Second World War and financial risk taking in adult life
D Bellucci, G Fuochi, P Conzo
Journal of Economic Psychology 79, 102196, 2020
Sociability, altruism and well-being
L Becchetti, L Corrado, P Conzo
Cambridge Journal of Economics 41 (2), 441-486, 2017
Negative media portrayals of immigrants increase ingroup favoritism and hostile physiological and emotional reactions
P Conzo, G Fuochi, L Anfossi, F Spaccatini, CO Mosso
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 16407, 2021
The cultural foundations of happiness
P Conzo, A Aassve, G Fuochi, L Mencarini
Journal of Economic Psychology 62, 268-283, 2017
Credit access and life satisfaction: evaluating the nonmonetary effects of micro finance
L Becchetti, P Conzo
Applied Economics 45 (9), 1201-1217, 2013
Past performance and entry in procurement: An experimental investigation
JV Butler, E Carbone, P Conzo, G Spagnolo
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 173, 179-195, 2020
Air quality and COVID-19 adverse outcomes: Divergent views and experimental findings
L Becchetti, G Beccari, G Conzo, P Conzo, D De Santis, F Salustri
Environmental research 193, 110556, 2021
The effects of microfinance on child schooling: A retrospective approach
L Becchetti, P Conzo
Applied Financial Economics 24 (2), 89-106, 2014
Legal origins and corporate social responsibility
L Becchetti, R Ciciretti, P Conzo
Sustainability 12 (7), 2717, 2020
Fertility and Life Satisfaction in Rural Ethiopia
P Conzo, G Fuochi, L Mencarini
Demography, 1-21, 2017
The monetary‐equivalent effect of voluntary work on mental wellbeing in Europe
L Becchetti, P Conzo, M Di Febbraro
Kyklos 71 (1), 3-27, 2018
Social and political trust diverge during a crisis
A Aassve, T Capezzone, N Cavalli, P Conzo, C Peng
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 331, 2024
Social Identity and Punishment
P Conzo, MA Leroch, JV Butler
University of Turin, 2013
The Political Effects of (Mis) Perceived Immigration
F Barilari, D Bellucci, P Conzo, R Zotti
Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis. Working Papers, 2024
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