Qing-Xiang Pei
Qing-Xiang Pei
Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore
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A molecular dynamics study of the mechanical properties of hydrogen functionalized graphene
QX Pei, YW Zhang, VB Shenoy
Carbon 48 (3), 898-904, 2010
Mechanical properties of graphynes under tension: a molecular dynamics study
YY Zhang, QX Pei, CM Wang
Applied Physics Letters 101 (8), 2012
Controlling of residual stress in additive manufacturing of Ti6Al4V by finite element modeling
G Vastola, G Zhang, QX Pei, YW Zhang
Additive Manufacturing 12, 231-239, 2016
Phonon thermal conductivity of monolayer MoS2 sheet and nanoribbons
X Liu, G Zhang, QX Pei, YW Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 103 (13), 2013
Manipulating the Thermal Conductivity of Monolayer MoS2 via Lattice Defect and Strain Engineering
Z Ding, QX Pei, JW Jiang, YW Zhang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (28), 16358-16365, 2015
A theoretical analysis of the thermal conductivity of hydrogenated graphene
QX Pei, ZD Sha, YW Zhang
Carbon 49 (14), 4752-4759, 2011
Nanometric cutting of copper: A molecular dynamics study
QX Pei, C Lu, FZ Fang, H Wu
Computational materials science 37 (4), 434-441, 2006
An experimental and simulation study on build thickness dependent microstructure for electron beam melted Ti–6Al–4V
X Tan, Y Kok, YJ Tan, G Vastola, QX Pei, G Zhang, YW Zhang, SB Tor, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 646, 303-309, 2015
Thermal conductivities of single-and multi-layer phosphorene: a molecular dynamics study
YY Zhang, QX Pei, JW Jiang, N Wei, YW Zhang
Nanoscale 8 (1), 483-491, 2016
Effects of grain size, temperature and strain rate on the mechanical properties of polycrystalline graphene-A molecular dynamics study
MQ Chen, SS Quek, ZD Sha, CH Chiu, QX Pei, YW Zhang
Carbon, 2015
Large scale molecular dynamics study of nanometric machining of copper
QX Pei, C Lu, HP Lee
Computational Materials Science 41 (2), 177-185, 2007
Tuning the thermal conductivity of silicene with tensile strain and isotopic doping: A molecular dynamics study
QX Pei, YW Zhang, ZD Sha, VB Shenoy
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (3), 2013
Mechanical properties of methyl functionalized graphene: a molecular dynamics study
QX Pei, YW Zhang, VB Shenoy
Nanotechnology 21 (11), 115709, 2010
Interfacial thermal conductance in graphene/MoS2 heterostructures
Z Ding, QX Pei, JW Jiang, W Huang, YW Zhang
Carbon 96, 888-896, 2016
Mechanical properties and fracture behavior of single-layer phosphorene at finite temperatures
ZD Sha, QX Pei, Z Ding, JW Jiang, YW Zhang
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (39), 395303, 2015
Thermal conductivity of defective graphene
YY Zhang, Y Cheng, QX Pei, CM Wang, Y Xiang
Physics Letters A 376 (47-48), 3668-3672, 2012
Predictive model for porosity in powder-bed fusion additive manufacturing at high beam energy regime
G Vastola, QX Pei, YW Zhang
Additive Manufacturing 22, 817-822, 2018
Some aspects of thermal transport across the interface between graphene and epoxy in nanocomposites
Y Wang, C Yang, QX Pei, Y Zhang
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (12), 8272-8279, 2016
Effects of temperature and strain rate on the mechanical properties of silicene
QX Pei, ZD Sha, YY Zhang, YW Zhang
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2), 2014
A molecular dynamics investigation on thermal conductivity of graphynes
YY Zhang, QX Pei, CM Wang
Computational Materials Science 65, 406-410, 2012
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