mario larch
mario larch
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An advanced guide to trade policy analysis: The structural gravity model
YV Yotov, R Piermartini, M Larch
WTO iLibrary, 2016
Interdependent preferential trade agreement memberships: An empirical analysis
P Egger, M Larch
Journal of international Economics 76 (2), 384-399, 2008
Economic integration agreements, border effects, and distance elasticities in the gravity equation
JH Bergstrand, M Larch, YV Yotov
European Economic Review 78, 307-327, 2015
The trade effects of endogenous preferential trade agreements
P Egger, M Larch, KE Staub, R Winkelmann
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3 (3), 113-143, 2011
Currency unions and trade: A PPML re‐assessment with high‐dimensional fixed effects
M Larch, J Wanner, YV Yotov, T Zylkin
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 81 (3), 487-510, 2019
Gravity Redux: Estimation of gravity-equation coefficients, elasticities of substitution, and general equilibrium comparative statics under asymmetric bilateral trade costs
JH Bergstrand, P Egger, M Larch
Journal of International Economics 89 (1), 110-121, 2013
Estimating the effects of non‐discriminatory trade policies within structural gravity models
B Heid, M Larch, YV Yotov
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 54 (1), 376-409, 2021
Optimal tariffs, retaliation, and the welfare loss from tariff wars in the Melitz model
G Felbermayr, B Jung, M Larch
Journal of International Economics 89 (1), 13-25, 2013
Income and democracy: Evidence from system GMM estimates
B Heid, J Langer, M Larch
Economics Letters 116 (2), 166-169, 2012
The impact of endogenous tax treaties on foreign direct investment: theory and evidence
P Egger, M Larch, M Pfaffermayr, H Winner
Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique 39 (3), 901-931, 2006
Carbon tariffs: An analysis of the trade, welfare, and emission effects
M Larch, J Wanner
Journal of International Economics 109, 195-213, 2017
An assessment of the Europe agreements’ effects on bilateral trade, GDP, and welfare
P Egger, M Larch
European Economic Review 55 (2), 263-279, 2011
The international trade and production database for estimation (ITPD-E)
I Borchert, M Larch, S Shikher, YV Yotov
International Economics 166, 140-166, 2021
Institutions, trade and development: A quantitative analysis
C Beverelli, A Keck, M Larch, YV Yotov
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2018
GEPPML: General equilibrium analysis with PPML
JE Anderson, M Larch, YV Yotov
The World Economy 41 (10), 2750-2782, 2018
Macroeconomic potentials of transatlantic free trade: A high resolution perspective for Europe and the world
G Felbermayr, B Heid, M Larch, E Yalcin
Economic Policy 30 (83), 491-537, 2015
Spatial exporters
F Defever, B Heid, M Larch
Journal of International Economics 95 (1), 145-156, 2015
The transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP): Potentials, problems and perspectives
GJ Felbermayr, M Larch
CESifo Forum 14 (2), 49-60, 2013
The determinants of environmental innovations and patenting: Germany reconsidered
T Rave, F Goetzke, M Larch
Ifo working paper, 2011
Does German development aid promote German exports?
I Martínez-Zarzoso, S Klasen, F Nowak-Lehmann D, M Larch
German Economic Review 10 (3), 317-338, 2009
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