Alok R. Saboo
Alok R. Saboo
Taylor E. Little Jr. Professor of Marketing, Georgia State University
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Evaluating the Impact of Social Media Activities on Human Brand Sales
AR Saboo, V Kumar, G Ramani
International Journal of Research in Marketing 33 (3), 524-541, 2016
Leveraging Frontline Employees’ Small Data and Firm-Level Big Data in Frontline Management An Absorptive Capacity Perspective
SK Lam, S Sleep, T Hennig-Thurau, S Sridhar, AR Saboo
Journal of Service Research 20 (1), 12-28, 2017
Assessing the Impact of Customer Concentration on IPO and Balance-Sheet Based Outcomes
AR Saboo, V Kumar, A Anand
Journal of Marketing 81 (6), 42-61, 2017
Using Big Data to Model Time-Varying Effects for Market Resource (Re)Allocation
AR Saboo, V Kumar, I Park
Management Information Systems Quarterly 40 (4), 911-939, 2016
Stock Market Reactions to Customer and Competitor Orientations: The Case of Initial Public Offerings
AR Saboo, R Grewal
Marketing Science 32 (1), 70-88, 2013
Organizational Debut on the Public Stage: Marketing Myopia and Initial Public Offering
AR Saboo, A Chakravarty, R Grewal
Marketing Science 35 (4), 656 - 675, 2016
Influencing Acquisition Performance in High Technology Industries: Role of Innovation and Relational Overlap
AR Saboo, A Sharma, A Chakravarty, V Kumar
Journal of Marketing Research 54 (2), 219-238, 2017
A Managerial Capital Perspective on Chief Marketing Officer Succession
R Wang, AR Saboo, R Grewal
International Journal of Research in Marketing 32 (2), 164–178, 2015
Identifying the drivers of luxury brand sales in emerging markets: An exploratory study
A Sharma, M Soni, SB Borah, AR Saboo
Journal of Business Research 111 (April), 25-40, 2020
Investigating the Influence of Characteristics of New Product Introduction Process on Firm Value: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry
A Sharma, AR Saboo, V Kumar
Journal of Marketing 82 (5), 66-85, 2018
Reexamining the Tradeoff between Value Creation and Value Appropriation: The Role of Internal Organizational Resources vs. External Strategic International Alliances
AP Tower, K Hewett, A Saboo
Journal of Business Research 123 (February), 302-312, 2021
Generating Competitive Intelligence with Limited Information: A Case of the Multimedia Industry
V Kumar, AR Saboo, A Agarwal, B Kumar
Production and Operations Management 29 (1), 192–213, 2020
Marketing’s and Operations’ Roles in Product Recall Prevention: Antecedents and Consequences
A Chakravarty, AR Saboo, G Xiong
Production and Operations Management 31 (3), 1174–1190, 2021
A Social Network Research Paradigm for Marketing: A Review and Research Agenda
A Gupta, A Saboo
Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-marketing Outcomes 18, 233-261, 2021
Empirical approaches for addressing endogeneity in B2B research
AR Saboo, A Anand
Handbook of Business-to-Business Marketing, 655-678, 2022
Staying Ahead of the Game: Bystander Customer Engagement Following a Peer’s Failure
S Paruchuri, N Kumar, E Hoempler, A Saboo
Academy of Management Proceedings 2024 (1), 19918, 2024
Modeling Strategic Issues for IPO Firms
AR Saboo
The Pennsylvania State University, 2012
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