Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab (UTHM)
Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab (UTHM)
Other namesM.h.a wahab, Wahab, M.h.a, Mohd Helmy A. Wahab
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Cited by
Smart Cane-Assistive Cane for Visually-impaired People
RMSAAM Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Amirul A Talib, Herdawatie A
International Journal of Computer Science Issues 8 (4), 21-27, 2011
Smart Recycle Bin: A Conceptual Approach of Smart Waste Management with Integrated Web Based System
MHA Wahab, MRT Aeslina Abdul Kadir, Mohamad Hairol Jabbar
International Conference on IT Convergence and Security 2014 (ICITCS 2014), 2014
Data pre-processing on web server logs for generalized association rules mining algorithm
MH Abd Wahab, MN Mohd, HF Hanafi, MF Mohamad Mohsin
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 48, 190-197, 2008
Improving students’ motivation in learning ICT course with the use of a mobile augmented reality learning environment
HF Hanafi, CS Said, MH Wahab, K Samsuddin
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 226 (1), 012114, 2017
A machine learning approach for improving the performance of network intrusion detection systems
AH Azizan, SA Mostafa, A Mustapha, CFM Foozy, MHA Wahab, ...
Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) 5 (5), 201-208, 2021
IoT-based battery monitoring system for electric vehicle
MH Abd Wahab, NIM Anuar, R Ambar, A Baharum, S Shanta, ...
International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET) 7 (4.31), 505-510, 2018
Towards smart home: control electrical devices online
MI Ramli, MH Abd Wahab, N Ahmad
The application of wireless food ordering system
K Khairunnisa, J Ayob, A Mohd, MW Helmy, ME Ayob, MI Ayob, A Ayob
MASAUM Journal of Computing 1 (2), 178-184, 2009
Gsm based electrical control system for smart home application
MHA Wahab, N Abdullah, A Johari, HA Kadir
Journal of Convergence Information Technology 5 (1), 2010
Development of reverse vending machine (RVM) framework for implementation to a standard recycle bin
R Tomari, AA Kadir, WNW Zakaria, MF Zakaria, MH Abd Wahab, ...
Procedia Computer Science 105, 75-80, 2017
Risk factors of cervical cancer using classification in data mining
N Razali, SA Mostafa, A Mustapha, MH Abd Wahab, NA Ibrahim
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1529 (2), 022102, 2020
Tank water level monitoring system using GSM network
A Johari, MH Abd Wahab, NSA Latif, ME Ayob, MI Ayob, MA Ayob, ...
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies 2 (3 …, 2011
Development of a wearable device for sign language recognition
R Ambar, CK Fai, MH Abd Wahab, MM Abdul Jamil, AA Ma’radzi
Journal of physics: conference series 1019, 012017, 2018
A systematic review for online learning management system
NS Xin, AS Shibghatullah, MH Abd Wahab
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1874 (1), 012030, 2021
Novel type-2 fuzzy logic approach for inference of corrosion failure likelihood of oil and gas pipeline industry
DK Jana, B Bej, MH Abd Wahab, A Mukherjee
Engineering Failure Analysis 80, 299-311, 2017
An RFID warehouse robot
LP Chuan, A Johari, MH Abd Wahab, DM Nor, NSAM Taujuddin, ME Ayob
2007 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, 451-456, 2007
A systematic review of augmented reality in multimedia learning outcomes in education
HF Hanafi, MHA Wahab, AZ Selamat, AH Masnan, M Huda
Intelligent Human Computer Interaction: 12th International Conference, IHCI …, 2021
Aira chatbot for travel: case study of AirAsia
V Kasinathan, MH Abd Wahab, SZS Idrus, A Mustapha, KZ Yuen
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1529 (2), 022101, 2020
Conversational bot for pharmacy: a natural language approach
NS Ahmad, MH Sanusi, MH Abd Wahab, A Mustapha, ZA Sayadi, ...
2018 IEEE conference on open systems (ICOS), 76-79, 2018
Mohd Helmy Abd Wahab, Nik Shahidah Afifi Mohd Taujuddin, and Christina Hanif, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
C Patrikakis, P Karamolegkos, A Voulodimos
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Articles 1–20