Raymond Burby
Cited by
Cited by
Making Plans that Matter: Citizen Involvement and Government Action
RJ Burby
Journal of the American Planning Association 69 (1), 33-49, 2003
Hurricane Katrina and the paradoxes of government disaster policy: Bringing about wise governmental decisions for hazardous areas
RJ Burby
The annals of the American academy of political and social science 604 (1 …, 2006
Creating hazard resilient communities through land-use planning
RJ Burby, RE Deyle, DR Godschalk, RB Olshansky
Natural hazards review 1 (2), 99-106, 2000
Cooperating with nature: Confronting natural hazards with land-use planning for sustainable communities
RJ Burby
Joseph Henry Press, 1998
Mandating Citizen Participation in Plan Making: Six Strategic Planning Choices
SD Brody, DR Godschalk, RJ Burby
Journal of the American Planning Association 69 (3), 245-264, 2003
Unleashing the power of planning to create disaster-resistant communities
RJ Burby, T Beatley, PR Berke, RE Deyle, SP French, DR Godschalk, ...
Journal of the American Planning Association 65 (3), 247-258, 1999
OpenSees command language manual. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
S Mazzoni, F McKenna, MH Scott, GL Fenves, B Jeremic
University of California, Berkeley, 2007
Flood insurance and floodplain management: the US experience
RJ Burby
Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards 3 (3), 111-122, 2001
Making governments plan: State experiments in managing land use
RJ Burby, PJ May
JHU Press, 1997
The effects of confidence in government and information on perceived and actual preparedness for disasters
V Basolo, LJ Steinberg, RJ Burby, J Levine, AM Cruz, C Huang
Environment and behavior 41 (3), 338-364, 2009
Plans can matter! The role of land use plans and state planning mandates in limiting the development of hazardous areas
RJ Burby, LC Dalton
Public administration review, 229-238, 1994
Improving compliance with state environmental regulations
RJ Burby, RG Paterson
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 12 (4), 753-772, 1993
Public participation in natural hazard mitigation policy formation: Challenges for comprehensive planning
DR Godschalk, S Brody, R Burby
Journal of environmental planning and management 46 (5), 733-754, 2003
Environmental management and governance: Intergovernmental approaches to hazards and sustainability
R Burby, J Dixon, N Ericksen, J Handmer, P May, S Michaels, DI Smith
Routledge, 2013
Mandates, plans, and planners: Building local commitment to development management
LC Dalton, RJ Burby
Journal of the American planning association 60 (4), 444-461, 1994
Coping with floods: the land use management paradox
RJ Burby, SP French
Journal of the American Planning Association 47 (3), 289-300, 1981
Fear of crime in public housing
WM Rohe, RJ Burby
Environment and Behavior 20 (6), 700-720, 1988
IntergovernmentalEnvironmental Planning: Addressing the Commitment Conundrum
RJ Burby, PJ May
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 41 (1), 95-110, 1998
Improving compliance with regulations: Choices and outcomes for local government
RJ Burby, PJ May, RC Paterson
Journal of the American Planning Association 64 (3), 324-334, 1998
River ecology and flood hazard mitigation
TA Birkland, RJ Burby, D Conrad, H Cortner, WK Michener
Natural Hazards Review 4 (1), 46-54, 2003
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Articles 1–20