Imran Raza
Imran Raza
Department of Computer Science, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
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Multilevel classification of security concerns in cloud computing
SA Hussain, M Fatima, A Saeed, I Raza, RK Shahzad
Applied Computing and Informatics 13 (1), 57-65, 2017
EEG based Major Depressive disorder and Bipolar disorder detection using Neural Networks: A review
S Yasin, SA Hussain, S Aslan, I Raza, M Muzammel, A Othmani
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 202, 106007, 2021
A game theory based trust model for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs)
MM Mehdi, I Raza, SA Hussain
Computer Networks 121, 152-172, 2017
Identification of malicious nodes in an AODV pure ad hoc network through guard nodes
I Raza, SA Hussain
Computer Communications 31 (9), 1796-1802, 2008
Trust Evaluation in Cross-Cloud Federation: Survey and Requirement Analysis
U Ahmed, I Raza, SA Hussain
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (1), 1-37, 2019
An efficient channel access scheme for vehicular ad hoc networks
SA Hussain, M Iqbal, A Saeed, I Raza, H Raza, A Ali, AK Bashir, A Baig
Mobile Information Systems 2017 (1), 8246050, 2017
Adaptive bitrate video transmission over cognitive radio networks using cross layer routing approach
A Ali, S Tariq, M Iqbal, L Feng, I Raza, MH Siddiqi, AK Bashir
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 6 (3), 935-945, 2020
A survey of cloudlet-based Mobile augmentation approaches for resource optimization
MZ Nayyer, I Raza, SA Hussain
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 51 (5), 1-28, 2018
Machine learning based approaches for clinical and non-clinical depression recognition and depression relapse prediction using audiovisual and EEG modalities: A comprehensive …
S Yasin, A Othmani, I Raza, SA Hussain
Computers in Biology and Medicine 159, 106741, 2023
LBRO: Load Balancing for Resource Optimization in Edge Computing
MZ Nayyer, I Raza, SA Hussain, MH Jamal, Z Gillani, S Hur, I Ashraf
IEEE Access 10, 97439-97449, 2022
Ontology-based service discovery framework for dynamic environments
F Zeshan, R Mohamad, MN Ahmad, SA Hussain, A Ahmad, I Raza, ...
IET Software 11 (2), 64-74, 2017
Modelling cyber security for software-defined networks those grow strong when exposed to threats: Analysis and propositions
U Ahmed, I Raza, SA Hussain, A Ali, M Iqbal, X Wang
Journal of reliable intelligent environments 1, 123-146, 2015
Optical wireless channel characterization for indoor visible light communications
I Raza, S Jabeen, SR Chaudhry, SA Hussain, A Saeed, MS Bhatti, ...
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (22), 1-9, 2015
Mobile Ad-hoc Network Routing Protocols: A Simulation and Performance Analysis Using Multimedia Traffic
S Naseer, SA Hussain, I Raza, SR Chaudry, JS Mirza, MH Raza
Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research 2 (10), 9925-9930, 2012
Merge‐and‐forward: a cooperative multimedia transmissions protocol using RaptorQ codes
M Talha Gul, A Ali, DK Singh, U Imtinan, I Raza, SA Hussain, DY Suh, ...
IET Communications 10 (15), 1884-1895, 2016
Toward realizing self-protecting healthcare information systems: Design and security challenges
Q Chen
Advances in Computers 114, 113-149, 2019
Federating Cloud Systems for Collaborative Construction and Engineering
U Ahmed, I Petri, O Rana, I Raza, SA Hussain
IEEE Access 8, 79908-79919, 2020
Multi-radio over Fiber Architecture for Road Vehicle Communication in VANETs
HHR Sherazi, I Raza, MH Chaudary, SA Hussain, MH Raza
Procedia Computer Science 32, 1022-1029, 2014
CFRO: Cloudlet Federation for Resource Optimization
MZ Nayyer, I Raza, SA Hussain
IEEE Access 8, 106234-106246, 2020
A direction and relative speed (DARS)-based routing protocol for VANETS in a highway scenario
M Kaleem, SA Hussain, I Raza, SR Chaudhry, MH Raza
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 38 (3), 399-405, 2015
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Articles 1–20