Vilde Schanke Sundet
Vilde Schanke Sundet
Associate professor in media and communication at Oslo Metropolitan University
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Working notions of active audiences: Further research on the active participant in convergent media industries
VS Sundet, E Ytreberg
Convergence 15 (4), 383-390, 2009
From 'secret' online teen drama to international cult phenomenon: The global expansion of SKAM and its public service mission
VS Sundet
Critical Studies in Television 15 (1), 69-90, 2020
TV–en innføring
G Enli, H Moe, VS Sundet, T Syvertsen
Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 2010
Television Drama in the Age of Streaming: Transnational Strategies and Digital Production Cultures at the NRK
VS Sundet
Palgrave Pivot, 2021
Producing online youth fiction in a Nordic public-service context
MM Andersen, VS Sundet
View: Journal of European Television History and Culture 8 (16), 110-125, 2019
«Fordi de fortjener det». Publikumsdeltakelse som strategisk utviklingsområde i mediebransjen
A Maasø, T Syvertsen, VS Sundet
Norsk medietidsskrift 14 (2), 126-154, 2007
Conceptualizing the Experiential Affordances of Watching Online TV
M Lüders, VS Sundet
Television & New Media 23 (4), 335-351, 2022
Non-professional Activity on Television in a Time of Digitalisation. More Fun for the Elite or New Opportunities for Ordinary People?
F Karlsen, VS Sundet, S Trine, Y Espen
Nordicom Review 30 (1), 19-36, 2009
From Fear of Television to Fear for Television: Five political debates about new technologies
G Enli, H Moe, VS Sundet, T Syvertsen
Media History 19 (2), 213-227, 2013
Still ‘Desperately seeking the audience’? Audience making in the age of media convergence (the Lilyhammer experience)
VS Sundet
Northern Lights 14 (1), 11-27, 2016
«Det er bare du som kan føle det du føler» – emosjonell investering og engasjement i nettdramaet SKAM
VS Sundet
16:9 Filmtidsskrift, 2017
'Youthification' of drama through real-time storytelling: A production study of blank and the legacy of SKAM
VS Sundet
Critical Studies in Television 16 (2), 145-162, 2021
Global platforms and asymmetrical power: Industry dynamics and opportunities for policy change
KA Ihlebæk, VS Sundet
new media & society 25 (8), 2183-2200, 2023
Ins and outs of transmedia fandom: Motives for entering and exiting the SKAM fan community online
VS Sundet, LN Petersen
Poetics 84 (101510), 1-10, 2021
Co-Produced Television Drama and The Cost of Transnational ‘Success’: The Making of Lilyhammer
VS Sundet
Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses: A Cross …, 2017
Making sense of mobile media. Institutional working notions, strategies and actions in convergent media markets
VS Sundet
PhD thesis, 2012
Towards streaming as a dominant mode of media use? A user typology approach to music and television streaming
M Lüders, VS Sundet, T Colbjørnsen
Nordicom Review 42 (1), 35-57, 2021
The dream of mobile media
VS Sundet
The ambivalence of convergence, 87-116, 2007
The functions of buzzwords: A comparison of ‘Web 2.0’and ‘telematics’
OJ Mjøs, H Moe, VS Sundet
First Monday 19 (2), https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v19i12.4896, 2014
Policy windows and converging frames: a longitudinal study of digitalization and media policy change
VS Sundet, KA Ihlebæk, K Steen-Johnsen
Media, Culture & Society 42 (5), 711-726, 2020
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