Elizabeth A. Leicht
Elizabeth A. Leicht
Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Verifisert e-postadresse på sbs.ox.ac.uk
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Community structure in directed networks
EA Leicht, MEJ Newman
Physical Review Letters 100 (11), 118703, 2008
Vertex similarity in networks
EA Leicht, P Holme, MEJ Newman
Physical Review E 73 (2), 026120, 2006
Mixture models and exploratory analysis in networks
MEJ Newman, EA Leicht
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (23), 9564, 2007
Suppressing cascades of load in interdependent networks
CD Brummitt, RM D’Souza, EA Leicht
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (12), E680-E689, 2012
Persistence of social signatures in human communication
J Saramäki, EA Leicht, E López, SGB Roberts, F Reed-Tsochas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (3), 942-947, 2014
Transcriptome Profiling of Citrus Fruit Response to Huanglongbing Disease
F Martinelli, SL Uratsu, U Albrecht, RL Reagan, ML Phu, M Britton, ...
PloS one 7 (5), e38039, 2012
Origin of compartmentalization in food webs
R Guimera, DB Stouffer, M Sales-Pardo, EA Leicht, MEJ Newman, ...
Ecology 91 (10), 2941-2951, 2010
Large-scale structure of time evolving citation networks
EA Leicht, G Clarkson, K Shedden, MEJ Newman
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 59 (1 …, 2007
Percolation on interacting networks
EA Leicht, RM D'Souza
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0907.0894, 2009
Null models for community detection in spatially embedded, temporal networks
M Sarzynska, EA Leicht, G Chowell, MA Porter
Journal of Complex Networks 4 (3), 363-406, 2016
Modeling interdependent networks as random graphs: connectivity and systemic risk
RM D’Souza, CD Brummitt, EA Leicht
Networks of networks: the last frontier of complexity, 73-94, 2014
Improving community detection in networks by targeted node removal
H Wen, EA Leicht, RM D’Souza
Physical Review E 83 (1), 016114, 2011
A nonparametric significance test for sampled networks
A Elliott, E Leicht, A Whitmore, G Reinert, F Reed-Tsochas
Bioinformatics 34 (1), 64-71, 2017
Conflict Events-Data and Network Analysis: A Case Study of Afghanistan
P Meier, EA Leicht
Online unter: http://www. santafe. edu/events/workshops/images/f/f1/Sf …, 2008
Sandpile cascades on interacting tree-like networks
CD Brummitt, RM D'Souza, EA Leicht
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1010.0279, 2010
Methods and applications for detecting structure in complex networks
EA Leicht
ProQuest, 2008
8.5 Deep Transcriptome Profiling of Citrus Fruit in Response to Huanglongbing Disease
F Martinelli, SL Uratsu, U Albrecht, RL Reagan, E Leicht, R D’Souza, ...
Supplementary Information: A Nonparametric Significance Test for Sampled Networks
A Elliott, E Leicht, A Whitmore, G Reinert, F Reed-Tsochas
Persistence of social signatures in human communication
E López, J Saramäki, E Leicht, RIM Dunbar, F Reed-Tsochas, ...
Origin of compartmentalization in food webs
E Leicht, R Guimerà, D Stouffer, M Sales-Pardo, M Newman, L Amaral
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