Bruce Hebblewhite
Bruce Hebblewhite
Professor of Mining Engineering, UNSW Sydney
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Numerical investigation of the effect of joint geometrical parameters on the mechanical properties of a non-persistent jointed rock mass under uniaxial compression
M Bahaaddini, G Sharrock, BK Hebblewhite
Computers and Geotechnics 49, 206-225, 2013
Numerical direct shear tests to model the shear behaviour of rock joints
M Bahaaddini, G Sharrock, BK Hebblewhite
Computers and Geotechnics 51, 101-115, 2013
Scale effect on the shear behaviour of rock joints based on a numerical study
M Bahaaddini, PC Hagan, R Mitra, BK Hebblewhite
Engineering Geology 181, 212-223, 2014
A new cavability assessment criterion for longwall top coal caving
A Vakili, BK Hebblewhite
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 47 (8), 1317-1329, 2010
Assessing coal burst phenomena in mining and insights into directions for future research
C Zhang, I Canbulat, B Hebblewhite, CR Ward
International Journal of Coal Geology 179, 28-44, 2017
Parametric study of smooth joint parameters on the shear behaviour of rock joints
M Bahaaddini, PC Hagan, R Mitra, BK Hebblewhite
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48, 923-940, 2015
Numerical study of the mechanical behavior of nonpersistent jointed rock masses
M Bahaaddini, P Hagan, R Mitra, BK Hebblewhite
International Journal of Geomechanics 16 (1), 04015035, 2016
A constitutive model for a laboratory rock joint with multi-scale asperity degradation
Y Li, J Oh, R Mitra, B Hebblewhite
Computers and Geotechnics 72, 143-151, 2016
University Of New South Wales Coal Pillar Strength Determinations For Australian And South African Mining Conditions; Proceedings Of The Second International Workshop On Coal …
JM Galvin, BK Hebblewhite, MDG Salamon
Discussions on rockburst and dynamic ground support in deep mines
CC Li, P Mikula, B Simser, B Hebblewhite, W Joughin, X Feng, N Xu
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 11 (5), 1110-1118, 2019
A review of the geomechanics aspects of a double fatality coal burst at Austar Colliery in NSW, Australia in April 2014
B Hebblewhite, J Galvin
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (1), 3-7, 2017
A discontinuum modelling approach for investigation of longwall top coal caving mechanisms
TD Le, J Oh, B Hebblewhite, C Zhang, R Mitra
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 106, 84-95, 2018
Parametric study of rockbolt shear behaviour by double shear test
L Li, PC Hagan, S Saydam, B Hebblewhite, Y Li
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 4787-4797, 2016
A review of cavability evaluation in longwall top coal caving
TD Le, R Mitra, J Oh, B Hebblewhite
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (6), 907-915, 2017
Geomechanical behaviour of laminated, weak coal mine roof strata and the implications for a ground reinforcement strategy
BK Hebblewhite, T Lu
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 41 (1), 147-157, 2004
Investigations into the corrosive environments contributing to premature failure of Australian coal mine rock bolts
P Craig, S Serkan, P Hagan, B Hebblewhite, D Vandermaat, A Crosky, ...
International journal of mining science and technology 26 (1), 59-64, 2016
Non-linear flow behaviour of rough fractures having standard JRC profiles
M Zoorabadi, S Saydam, W Timms, B Hebblewhite
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 76, 192-199, 2015
Assessment of energy release mechanisms contributing to coal burst
C Zhang, I Canbulat, F Tahmasebinia, B Hebblewhite
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (1), 43-47, 2017
An experimental framework for simulating stress corrosion cracking in cable bolts
S Wu, H Chen, P Craig, HL Ramandi, W Timms, PC Hagan, A Crosky, ...
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 76, 121-132, 2018
A semi-quantitative coal burst risk classification system
O Vardar, C Zhang, I Canbulat, B Hebblewhite
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 28 (5), 721-727, 2018
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Articles 1–20