Slab segmentation and late Cenozoic disruption of the Hellenic arc LH Royden, DJ Papanikolaou Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (3), 2011 | 224 | 2011 |
Paleogeography and geodynamics of the Aegean region during the Neogene MD Dermitzakis, DJ Papanikolaou Annales geologiques des pays helleniques 30, 245-289, 1981 | 219 | 1981 |
Timing of tectonic emplacement of the ophiolites and terrane paleogeography in the Hellenides D Papanikolaou Lithos 108 (1-4), 262-280, 2009 | 199 | 2009 |
Crustal investigation of the Hellenic subduction zone using wide aperture seismic data M Bohnhoff, J Makris, D Papanikolaou, G Stavrakakis Tectonophysics 343 (3-4), 239-262, 2001 | 178 | 2001 |
Disruption of the Hellenic arc: Late Miocene extensional detachment faults and steep Pliocene‐Quaternary normal faults—Or what happened at Corinth? DJ Papanikolaou, LH Royden Tectonics 26 (5), 2007 | 172 | 2007 |
Evolution and dynamics of the Cenozoic tectonics of the South Balkan extensional system BC Burchfiel, R Nakov, N Dumurdzanov, D Papanikolaou, T Tzankov, ... Geosphere 4 (6), 919-938, 2008 | 161 | 2008 |
Submarine volcanoes along the Aegean volcanic arc P Nomikou, D Papanikolaou, M Alexandri, D Sakellariou, G Rousakis Tectonophysics 597, 123-146, 2013 | 152 | 2013 |
A geologic reconnaissance of the Cycladic blueschist belt, Greece MC Blake Jr, M Bonneau, J Geyssant, JR Kienast, C Lepvrier, H Maluski, ... Geological Society of America Bulletin 92 (5), 247-254, 1981 | 151 | 1981 |
The geology of Greece DI Papanikolaou Springer Nature, 2021 | 147 | 2021 |
On the structural style of Southern Rhodope, Greece D Papanikolaou, A Panagopoulos | 141 | 1981 |
New insights into hydrothermal vent processes in the unique shallow-submarine arc-volcano, Kolumbo (Santorini), Greece SP Kilias, P Nomikou, D Papanikolaou, PN Polymenakou, A Godelitsas, ... Scientific reports 3 (1), 2421, 2013 | 136 | 2013 |
Submarine volcanoes of the Kolumbo volcanic zone NE of Santorini Caldera, Greece P Nomikou, S Carey, D Papanikolaou, KC Bell, D Sakellariou, ... Global and Planetary Change 90, 135-151, 2012 | 135 | 2012 |
Tectonostratigraphic models of the Alpine terranes and subduction history of the Hellenides D Papanikolaou Tectonophysics 595, 1-24, 2013 | 134 | 2013 |
Contribution to the geology of Aegean Sea: the island of Andros D Papanikolaou | 125 | 1978 |
A comparative study of neotectonic basins across the Hellenic arc: the Messiniakos, Argolikos, Saronikos and Southern Evoikos Gulfs D Papanikolaou, V Lykousis, G Chronis, P Pavlakis Basin Research 1 (3), 167-176, 1988 | 124 | 1988 |
The three metamorphic belts of the Hellenides: a review and a kinematic interpretation DJ Papanikolaou Geological Society, London, Special Publications 17 (1), 551-561, 1984 | 118 | 1984 |
Singing Poets: Literature and Popular Music in France and Greece (1945-1975) D Papanikolaou Routledge, 2017 | 115 | 2017 |
Tectonic evolution of the Cycladic blueschist belt (Aegean Sea, Greece) DJ Papanikolaou Chemical transport in metasomatic processes, 429-450, 1987 | 112 | 1987 |
Morphotectonic structure of the western part of the North Aegean Basin based on swath bathymetry D Papanikolaou, M Alexandri, P Nomikou, D Ballas Marine Geology 190 (1-2), 465-492, 2002 | 103 | 2002 |
Thrust faults and extensional detachment faults in Cretan tectono-stratigraphy: Implications for Middle Miocene extension D Papanikolaou, E Vassilakis Tectonophysics 488 (1-4), 233-247, 2010 | 101 | 2010 |