Management and control methods of invasive alien freshwater aquatic plants: a review A Hussner, I Stiers, M Verhofstad, ES Bakker, BMC Grutters, J Haury, ...
Aquatic Botany 136, 112-137, 2017
376 2017 Alien aquatic plant species in European countries A Hussner
Weed research 52 (4), 297-306, 2012
311 2012 Growth and photosynthesis of four invasive aquatic plant species in Europe A Hussner
Weed Research 49 (5), 506-515, 2009
149 2009 Management options of invasive Elodea nuttallii and Elodea canadensis A Zehnsdorf, A Hussner, F Eismann, H Rönicke, A Melzer
Limnologica 51, 110-117, 2015
120 2015 The influence of water level and nutrient availability on growth and root system development of Myriophyllum aquaticum A Hussner, C Meyer, J Busch
Weed Research 49 (1), 73-80, 2009
109 2009 Alien aquatic plants in a thermally abnormal river and their assembly to neophyte-dominated macrophyte stands (River Erft, Northrhine-Westphalia) A Hussner, R Lösch
Limnologica 35 (1-2), 18-30, 2005
103 2005 Comments on increasing number and abundance of non‐indigenous aquatic macrophyte species in Germany A Hussner, K van de Weyer, EM Gross, S Hilt
Weed Research 50 (6), 519-526, 2010
82 2010 Internal transport of alien and native plants by geese and ducks: an experimental study A García‐Álvarez, CHA van Leeuwen, CJ Luque, A Hussner, ...
Freshwater Biology 60 (7), 1316-1329, 2015
64 2015 Low light acclimated submerged freshwater plants show a pronounced sensitivity to increasing irradiances A Hussner, HP Hoelken, P Jahns
Aquatic Botany 93 (1), 17-24, 2010
60 2010 Elodea canadensis shows a higher dispersal capacity via fragmentation than Egeria densa and Lagarosiphon major P Redekop, D Hofstra, A Hussner
Aquatic Botany 130, 45-49, 2016
58 2016 Effects of water nutrients on regeneration capacity of submerged aquatic plant fragments K Kuntz, P Heidbüchel, A Hussner
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 50 (2), 155-162, 2014
57 2014 Acclimation of photosynthesis to supersaturated CO2 in aquatic plant bicarbonate users A Hussner, T Mettler‐Altmann, APM Weber, K Sand‐Jensen
Freshwater Biology 61 (10), 1720-1732, 2016
56 2016 Growth response and root system development of the invasive Ludwigia grandiflora and Ludwigia peploides to nutrient availability and water level. A Hussner
55 2010 Interactive effects of nitrate concentrations and carbon dioxide on the stoichiometry, biomass allocation and growth rate of submerged aquatic plants E Dülger, P Heidbüchel, T Schumann, T Mettler‐Altmann, A Hussner
Freshwater Biology 62 (6), 1094-1104, 2017
48 2017 Long-term macrophyte mapping documents a continuously shift from native to non-native aquatic plant dominance in the thermally abnormal River Erft (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) A Hussner
Limnologica 48, 39-45, 2014
48 2014 From introduction to nuisance growth: a review of traits of alien aquatic plants which contribute to their invasiveness A Hussner, P Heidbüchel, J Coetzee, EM Gross
Hydrobiologia 848 (9), 2119-2151, 2021
47 2021 CO2 availability rather than light and temperature determines growth and phenotypical responses in submerged Myriophyllum aquaticum ACE Malheiro, P Jahns, A Hussner
Aquatic botany 110, 31-37, 2013
45 2013 Response capacity to CO2 depletion rather than temperature and light effects explain the growth success of three alien Hydrocharitaceae compared with native Myriophyllum … A Hussner, D Hofstra, P Jahns, J Clayton
Aquatic botany 120, 205-211, 2015
39 2015 From first reports to successful control: a plea for improved management of alien aquatic plant species in Germany A Hussner, S Nehring, S Hilt
Hydrobiologia 737, 321-331, 2014
36 2014 European native Myriophyllum spicatum showed a higher use capacity than alien invasive Myriophyllum heterophyllum A Hussner, P Jahns
Hydrobiologia 746, 171-182, 2015
35 2015