Diana Kusumastuti
Diana Kusumastuti
Lecturer in Transportation at University of Canterbury
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Acceptability of collection and delivery points from consumers’ perspective: A qualitative case study of Christchurch city
A Kedia, D Kusumastuti, A Nicholson
Case Studies on Transport Policy 5 (4), 587-595, 2017
Analysing freight shippers’ mode choice preference heterogeneity using latent class modelling
HC Kim, A Nicholson, D Kusumastuti
Transportation research procedia 25, 1109-1125, 2017
Mapping leisure shopping trip decision making: Validation of the CNET interview protocol
T De Ceunynck, D Kusumastuti, E Hannes, D Janssens, G Wets
Quality & Quantity 47, 1831-1849, 2013
Move better with tripzoom
J Bie, M Bijlsma, G Broll, H Cao, A Hjalmarsson, F Hodgson, P Holleis, ...
International journal on advances in life sciences 4 (3&4), 125-135, 2012
Establishing collection and delivery points to encourage the use of active transport: A case study in New Zealand using a consumer-centric approach
A Kedia, D Kusumastuti, A Nicholson
Sustainability 11 (22), 6255, 2019
Scrutinizing individuals’ leisure-shopping travel decisions to appraise activity-based models of travel demand
D Kusumastuti, E Hannes, D Janssens, G Wets, BGC Dellaert
Transportation 37, 647-661, 2010
Mental maps and travel behaviour: Meanings and models
E Hannes, D Kusumastuti, ML Espinosa, D Janssens, K Vanhoof, G Wets
Journal of geographical systems 14, 143-165, 2012
Locating collection and delivery points for goods’ last-mile travel: A case study in New Zealand
A Kedia, D Kusumastuti, A Nicholson
Transportation Research Procedia 46, 85-92, 2020
Mixed-use development in Christchurch, New Zealand: Do you want to live there?
D Kusumastuti, A Nicholson
Urban Studies 55 (12), 2682-2702, 2018
Freight transport mode choice and mode shift in New Zealand: Findings of a revealed preference survey
HC Kim, A Nicholson, D Kusumastuti
Sustainable logistics, 165-192, 2014
An interactive computer-based interface to support the discovery of individuals’ mental representations and preferences in decisions problems: An application to travel behavior
D Kusumastuti, E Hannes, B Depaire, K Vanhoof, D Janssens, G Wets, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (2), 997-1011, 2011
Effect of online shopping on consumers’ shopping travel and goods’ last-mile travel: A case study in Christchurch
A Kedia, D Kusumastuti, A Nicholson
Mixed-use urban planning and development
D Kusumastuti, A Nicholson
Building Research Association New Zealand, 2017
Qualitative and quantitative comparisons of the CNET interview and the CNET card game to explore contextual, instrumental and evaluative aspects in individuals’ fun shopping …
D Kusumastuti, E Hannes, D Janssens, G Wets, BGC Dellaert, TA Arentze
Proceeding of Retailing and Consumer Services Conference (EIRASS), Niagara …, 2009
Modal shift for New Zealand shippers for various policy scenarios
HC Kim, D Kusumastuti, A Nicholson
New Zealand Economic Papers 52 (3), 304-322, 2018
Modelling Multiple Meanings of Mental Maps
E Hannes, M León Espinosa, D Kusumastuti, D Janssens, K Vanhoof, ...
12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research. IATBR, Jaipur, India, 2009
What drives people? Analyzing leisure-shopping trip decision making
T De Ceunynck, D Kusumastuti, E Hannes, D Janssens, G Wets
90th Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting 2011, 2011
Capturing individuals’ mental representation of leisure-shopping travel decisions to inform activity-based models of travel demand
D Kusumastuti, E Hannes, D Janssens, G Wets, BGC Dellaert
Transportation Research Board 89th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2010
What drives leisure travel decisions? Exploring contextual, instrumental and evaluative aspects of fun shopping location, timing and transportation mode choices
D Kusumastuti, E Hannes, D Janssens, G Wets, B Dellaert
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Travel Behaviour …, 2009
Modal shift for New Zealand shippers for various policy scenarios
HC Kim, A Nicholson, D Kusumastuti
New Zealand Economic Papers 51 (2), 1-19, 2017
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Articles 1–20