Serena Trucchi
Serena Trucchi
Senior Lecturer in Economics, Cardiff University
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Adult financial literacy and households’ financial assets: the role of bank information policies
M Fort, F Manaresi, S Trucchi
Economic Policy 31 (88), 743-782, 2016
The effect of financial literacy on mortgage choices
E Fornero, C Monticone, S Trucchi
Netspar Discussion Paper, 2011
Liquidity constraints and labor supply
M Rossi, S Trucchi
European Economic Review 87, 176-193, 2016
Locus of control and saving: The role of saving motives
A Bucciol, S Trucchi
Journal of Economic Psychology 86, 102413, 2021
Flexibility in Retirement: A framework for the analysis and a survey of European countries
M Belloni, C Monticone, S Trucchi, E Fornero
CeRP, 2006
Permanent versus transitory income shocks over the business cycle
A Kovacs, C Rondinelli, S Trucchi
European Economic Review 139, 103873, 2021
Labour supply responses to financial wealth shocks: evidence from Italy
R Bottazzi, S Trucchi, M Wakefield
Fiscal Studies 42 (2), 291-317, 2021
Consumption responses to a large shock to financial wealth: evidence from Italy
R Bottazzi, S Trucchi, M Wakefield
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 122 (2), 762-789, 2020
Credit markets and housing choices
S Trucchi
Bulletin of Economic Research 68 (S1), 1-19, 2016
Intergenerational precautionary savings in Europe
F Scervini, S Trucchi
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 84 (2), 427-450, 2022
9. How do early-life conditions shape health age profiles late in life?
M Belloni, D Cavapozzi, C Dal Bianco, Y Pan, S Trucchi
Health and socio-economic status over the life course: First results from …, 2019
Retirement rigidities and the gap between effective and desired labour supply by older workers
S Trucchi, E Fornero, M Rossi
IZA Journal of Labor Policy 7, 1-19, 2018
Le Pensioni degli Artigiani. Un’analisi della situazione italiana e una comparazione a livello europeo
M Belloni, M Borella, PM Ferraresi, S Trucchi
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