Marius Pedersen
Cited by
Cited by
Full-Reference Image Quality Metrics: Classification and Evaluation
M Pedersen, JY Hardeberg
Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision 7 (1), 1-80, 2012
CID: IQ–a new image quality database
X Liu, M Pedersen, JY Hardeberg
Image and Signal Processing: 6th International Conference, ICISP 2014 …, 2014
Attributes of image quality for color prints
M Pedersen, N Bonnier, JY Hardeberg, F Albregtsen
Journal of Electronic Imaging 19 (1), 011016-011016-13, 2010
Measuring perceptual contrast in digital images
G Simone, M Pedersen, JY Hardeberg
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 23 (3), 491-506, 2012
2018 robotic scene segmentation challenge
M Allan, S Kondo, S Bodenstedt, S Leger, R Kadkhodamohammadi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.11190, 2020
Image quality assessment by comparing CNN features between images
SA Amirshahi, M Pedersen, SX Yu
Y-net: A deep convolutional neural network for polyp detection
A Mohammed, S Yildirim, I Farup, M Pedersen, Ø Hovde
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.01907, 2018
Survey of full-reference image quality metrics
M Pedersen, JY Hardeberg
Høgskolen i Gjøviks rapportserie, 2009
Seens: Nuclei segmentation in pap smear images with selective edge enhancement
M Zhao, H Wang, Y Han, X Wang, HN Dai, X Sun, J Zhang, M Pedersen
Future Generation Computer Systems 114, 185-194, 2021
Weakly-supervised network for detection of COVID-19 in chest CT scans
A Mohammed, C Wang, M Zhao, M Ullah, R Naseem, H Wang, ...
Ieee Access 8, 155987-156000, 2020
Evaluating colour image difference metrics for gamut‐mapped images
JY Hardeberg, E Bando, M Pedersen
Coloration Technology 124 (4), 243-253, 2008
Translucency perception: A review
D Gigilashvili, JB Thomas, JY Hardeberg, M Pedersen
Journal of Vision 21 (8), 4-4, 2021
Impact of colour on robustness of deep neural networks
K De, M Pedersen
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision, 21-30, 2021
Supervised contrastive learning for generalizable and explainable deepfakes detection
Y Xu, K Raja, M Pedersen
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer …, 2022
Survey of natural image enhancement techniques: Classification, evaluation, challenges, and perspectives
X Liu, M Pedersen, R Wang
Digital Signal Processing 127, 103547, 2022
A new spatial hue angle metric for perceptual image difference
M Pedersen, JY Hardeberg
Computational Color Imaging: Second International Workshop, CCIW 2009, Saint …, 2009
Attributes of a new image quality model for color prints
M Pedersen, N Bonnier, JY Hardeberg, F Albregtsen
Color and Imaging Conference 17, 204-209, 2009
Quickeval: a web application for psychometric scaling experiments
K Van Ngo, CA Dokkeberg, I Farup, M Pedersen
Image Quality and System Performance XII 9396, 212-224, 2015
Evaluation of 60 full-reference image quality metrics on the CID: IQ
M Pedersen
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1588-1592, 2015
Image quality metrics for the evaluation of print quality
M Pedersen, N Bonnier, JY Hardeberg, F Albregtsen
Image quality and system performance VIII 7867, 11-29, 2011
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Articles 1–20