Janne Dugstad
Janne Dugstad
Associate professor, The Science Centre Health and Technology, USN
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Exploring resistance to implementation of welfare technology in municipal healthcare services–a longitudinal case study
ER Nilsen, J Dugstad, H Eide, MK Gullslett, T Eide
BMC health services research 16 (1), 1-14, 2016
Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for …
J Dugstad, T Eide, ER Nilsen, H Eide
BMC health services research 19, 1-17, 2019
Nursing staff’s evaluation of facilitators and barriers during implementation of wireless nurse call systems in residential care facilities. A cross-sectional study
J Dugstad, V Sundling, ER Nilsen, H Eide
BMC health services research 20, 1-13, 2020
Tillitsmodellen–hovedpilotering i Oslo kommune 2017-18
T Eide, MK Gullslett, E Nilsen, JH Dugstad, H Eide
USN/Vitensenteret Helse og Teknologi, 2018
Implementering av velferdsteknologi i helse-og omsorgstjenester: opplæringsbehov og utforming av nye tjenester–en sluttrapport
JH Dugstad, E Nilsen, MK Gullslett, T Eide, H Eide
Trust-based service innovation of municipal home care: a longitudinal mixed methods study
T Eide, MK Gullslett, H Eide, JH Dugstad, B McCormack, ER Nilsen
BMC Health Services Research 22 (1), 1250, 2022
Next of kin’s experiences with and attitudes towards digital monitoring technology for ageing people with dementia in residential care facilities. A qualitative study based on …
MK Gullslett, ER Nilsen, J Dugstad
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences 36 (4), 1094-1103, 2022
Digitalt tilsyn–en reise i samhandling og samskaping
E Nilsen, J Dugstad, H Eide, T Eide, TR Eikebrokk, MK Gullslet, K Stendal
Rapport fra forskningsprosjektet" Implementation of welfare technology …, 2017
The role of IT-service in future health care, can they be ignored?
K Stendal, J Dugstad
Person‐Centred Technology‐Supported Interventions
S van Dulmen, E Brembo, J Dugstad, H Eide
Person‐Centred Healthcare Research, 159-167, 2017
Piloting the Norwegian version of the “The Measuring Instrument for Determinants of Innovations”(MIDI)-a new instrument for implementation of innovations in health care
J Dugstad, E Nilsen, H Eide
Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, 2014
Evaluating Welfare Technology Implementation in Municipal Care Services. Contextual Adaptation of the Measurement Instrument for Determinants of Innovation.
J Dugstad, V Sundling, E Nilsen, H Eide
Proceedings of the 17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, 12 …, 2019
Implementering av velferdsteknologi i helse og omsorgstjenester
J Dugstad, ER Nilsen, MK Gullslett, T Eide, H Eide
Skriftserien fra Høgskolen i Buskerud og Vestfold 13, 27, 2015
Towards a framework for trust-based management of municipal home care. A realist informed evaluation.
T Eide, M Gullslett, J Dugstad, ER Nilsen, B McCormack, H Eide
Helseinnovasjon i Drammensregionen: En forstudie om interesse og grunnlag for samskaping
H Eide, I Elvekrok, JH Dugstad
Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, 2018
The Role of IT-department in Future Health Care, Can They be Ignored?
K Stendal, J Dugstad
Proceedings from The 15th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics, 82, 2017
When do medical operators choose to use, or not use, video in emergency calls? A case study
AKV Harring, S Idland, J Dugstad
BMJ Open Quality 13 (2), e002751, 2024
Photovoice-a novel method to gain insight in daily actvities and visual health literacy among stroke survivors living with visual impairments after stroke
I Langeggen, TS Mathisen, J Dugstad, G Eilertsen, HK Falkenberg
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64 (8), 5044-5044, 2023
Co-creating digital transformation in care of older persons: A longitudinal mixed-methods study
JH Dugstad
University of South-Eastern Norway, 2020
Jobb smartere! Utvikling av metodikk for læring i innovasjonspraksis for å møte fremtidens helse-og omsorgsutfordringer
L Grut, K Berntsen
SINTEF Rapport, 2018
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