Rong Li
Cited by
Cited by
Residual-life distributions from component degradation signals: A Bayesian approach
NZ Gebraeel, MA Lawley, R Li, JK Ryan
IiE Transactions 37 (6), 543-557, 2005
Information disclosure structure in supply chains with rental service platforms in the blockchain technology era
TM Choi, L Feng, R Li
International Journal of Production Economics 221, 107473, 2020
Handbook of integrated risk management in global supply chains
P Kouvelis, L Dong, O Boyabatli, R Li
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Managing storable commodity risks: role of inventories and financial hedges
P Kouvelis, R Li, Q Ding
The Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains, 125-155, 2011
A Bayesian inventory model using real‐time condition monitoring information
R Li, JK Ryan
Production and Operations Management 20 (5), 754-771, 2011
Integrated Risk Management for Newsvendors with VaR Constraints
P Kouvelis, R Li
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2019
Reinvent retail supply chain: Ship‐from‐store‐to‐store
R Li
Production and Operations Management 29 (8), 1825-1836, 2020
Integrated risk management: a conceptual framework with research overview and applications in practice
P Kouvelis, L Dong, O Boyabatli, R Li
The handbook of integrated risk management in global supply chains, 1-12, 2011
Coordination in a Single‐Supplier, Multi‐Retailer Distribution System: Supplier‐Facilitated Transshipments
R Li, JK Ryan, Z Zeng
Production and Operations Management 26 (5), 784-801, 2017
Inventory management and financial hedging of storable commodities
P Kouvelis, R Li, Q Ding
Scrap or sell: The decision on production yield loss
R Li, Y Xia, X Yue
Production and Operations Management 28 (6), 1486-1502, 2019
Pair condensation in a dilute Bose gas with Rashba spin–orbit coupling
R Li, L Yin
New Journal of Physics 16 (5), 053013, 2014
Inventory flexibility through adjustment contracts
R Li, JK Ryan
International journal of production research 50 (7), 1955-1978, 2012
Impairment of T cells' antiviral and anti-inflammation immunities may be critical to death from COVID-19
L Zhang, R Li, G Song, GD Scholes, ZS She
Royal Society Open Science 8 (12), 211606, 2021
Emergent mesoscopic quantum vortex and Planckian dissipation in the strange metal phase
R Li, ZS She
New Journal of Physics 23 (4), 043050, 2021
Fight inventory shrinkage: Simultaneous learning of inventory level and shrinkage rate
R Li, JSJ Song, S Sun, X Zheng
Production and Operations Management 31 (6), 2477-2491, 2022
Principles for the dynamic maintenance of cortical polarity
E Marco, R Wedlich-Soldner, R Li, SJ Altschuler, LF Wu
Cell 129 (2), 411, 2007
Unified energy law for fluctuating density wave orders in cuprate pseudogap phase
R Li, ZS She
Communications Physics 5 (1), 13, 2022
Pricing strategy for GM food: impact of consumer attitude heterogeneity and GMO food labelling
R Li, AK Basu
Annals of Operations Research 291 (1), 463-474, 2020
E-Tailing with Instant Return Credit
R Li, D Shi
Available at SSRN 3756627, 2023
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Articles 1–20