Rainer K. Silbereisen
Rainer K. Silbereisen
Verifisert e-postadresse på uni-jena.de - Startside
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R Oerter
Beltz Pvu, 2002
Youth civic engagement in the twenty‐first century
J Youniss, S Bales, V Christmas‐Best, M Diversi, M McLaughlin, ...
Journal of research on adolescence 12 (1), 121-148, 2002
Entrepreneurial intention as developmental outcome
M Obschonka, RK Silbereisen, E Schmitt-Rodermund
Journal of vocational behavior 77 (1), 63-72, 2010
Kindheit in Deutschland: aktueller Survey über Kinder und ihre Eltern
J Zinnecker, W Georg, RK Silbereisen
Kindheiten, 1998
Scientists’ transition to academic entrepreneurship: Economic and psychological determinants
M Goethner, M Obschonka, RK Silbereisen, U Cantner
Journal of economic psychology 33 (3), 628-641, 2012
Self-efficacy and successful school-to-work transition: A longitudinal study
M Pinquart, LP Juang, RK Silbereisen
Journal of vocational behavior 63 (3), 329-346, 2003
The regional distribution and correlates of an entrepreneurship-prone personality profile in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom: A socioecological perspective.
M Obschonka, E Schmitt-Rodermund, RK Silbereisen, SD Gosling, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 105 (1), 104, 2013
Approaches to positive youth development
RM Lerner, RK Silbereisen
Approaches to positive youth development, 1-368, 2007
The relationship between adolescent academic capability beliefs, parenting and school grades
LP Juang, RK Silbereisen
Journal of adolescence 25 (1), 3-18, 2002
Social identity and the transition to entrepreneurship: The role of group identification with workplace peers
M Obschonka, M Goethner, RK Silbereisen, U Cantner
Journal of Vocational Behavior 80 (1), 137-147, 2012
Transmission of values from adolescents to their parents: The role of value content and authoritative parenting
M Pinquart, RK Silbereisen
Adolescence 39 (153), 83, 2004
Jungsein in Deutschland: Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene 1991 und 1996
RK Silbereisen
Springer-Verlag, 2013
Human development in times of social change: Theoretical considerations and research needs
M Pinquart, R Silbereisen
International Journal of Behavioral Development 28 (4), 289-298, 2004
Development as action in context
RK Silbereisen, K Eyferth
Development as action in context: Problem behavior and normal youth …, 1986
Global risks: Pool knowledge to stem losses from disasters
SL Cutter, A Ismail-Zadeh, I Alcántara-Ayala, O Altan, DN Baker, ...
Nature 522 (7556), 277-279, 2015
Entrepreneurial self-identity: predictors and effects within the theory of planned behavior framework
M Obschonka, RK Silbereisen, U Cantner, M Goethner
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 773-794, 2015
On the constructive role of problem behavior in adolescence.
RK Silbereisen, P Noack
Cambridge University Press, 1988
Development as action in context: Problem behavior and normal youth development
RK Silbereisen, K Eyferth, G Rudinger
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Transitions from school to work: Globalization, individualization, and patterns of diversity
I Schoon, RK Silbereisen
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Supportive parenting and adolescent adjustment across time in former East and West Germany
LP Juang, RK Silbereisen
Journal of adolescence 22 (6), 719-736, 1999
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