Francesco Zanetti
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of the volatility of monetary policy shocks
H Mumtaz, F Zanetti
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 45 (4), 535-558, 2013
Labor market institutions and aggregate fluctuations in a search and matching model
F Zanetti
European Economic Review 55 (5), 644-658, 2011
Labor market reform and price stability: An application to the Euro Area
C Thomas, F Zanetti
Journal of Monetary Economics 56 (6), 885-899, 2009
Changing macroeconomic dynamics at the zero lower bound
P Liu, K Theodoridis, H Mumtaz, F Zanetti
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 37 (3), 391-404, 2019
State dependence of fiscal multipliers: the source of fluctuations matters
M Ghassibe, F Zanetti
Journal of Monetary Economics 132, 1-23, 2022
A non-Walrasian labor market in a monetary model of the business cycle
F Zanetti
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31 (7), 2413-2437, 2007
Endogenous product turnover and macroeconomic dynamics
M Hamano, F Zanetti
Review of Economic Dynamics 26, 263-279, 2017
News Shocks Under Financial Frictions
C Gortz, JD Tsoukalas, F Zanetti
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2022
Wage rigidities in an estimated dynamic, stochastic, general equilibrium model of the UK labour market
R Faccini, S Millard, F Zanetti
The Manchester School 81, 66-99, 2013
Neutral technology shocks and the dynamics of labor input: Results from an agnostic identification
H Mumtaz, F Zanetti
International Economic Review 53 (1), 235-254, 2012
Financial shocks, job destruction shocks, and labor market fluctuations
F Zanetti
Macroeconomic Dynamics 23 (3), 1137-1165, 2019
The effect of labor and financial frictions on aggregate fluctuations
H Mumtaz, F Zanetti
Macroeconomic Dynamics 20 (1), 313-341, 2016
Testing the effectiveness of unconventional monetary policy in Japan and the United States
D Ikeda, S Li, S Mavroeidis, F Zanetti
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 16 (2), 250-286, 2024
Labor market dynamics: a time‐varying analysis
H Mumtaz, F Zanetti
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 77 (3), 319-338, 2015
State dependence in labor market fluctuations
C Pizzinelli, K Theodoridis, F Zanetti
International Economic Review 61 (3), 1027-1072, 2020
Flexible prices, labor market frictions and the response of employment to technology shocks
FS Mandelman, F Zanetti
Labour Economics 26, 94-102, 2014
The causal effects of global supply chain disruptions on macroeconomic outcomes: evidence and theory
X Bai, J Fernández-Villaverde, Y Li, F Zanetti
CESifo Working Paper, 2024
Factor adjustment costs: A structural investigation
H Mumtaz, F Zanetti
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 51, 341-355, 2015
Effects of product and labor market regulation on macroeconomic outcomes
F Zanetti
Journal of Macroeconomics 31 (2), 320-332, 2009
Monetary policy, firm heterogeneity, and product variety
M Hamano, F Zanetti
European Economic Review 144, 104089, 2022
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Articles 1–20