Elisabeth Norman
Elisabeth Norman
Professor i psykologi ved Universitetet i Bergen
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The relationship between metacognitive experiences and learning: Is there a difference between digital and non-digital study media?
E Norman, B Furnes
Computers in Human Behavior 54, 301-309, 2016
The concept of “metaemotion”: What is there to learn from research on metacognition?
E Norman, B Furnes
Emotion Review 8 (2), 187-193, 2016
Intuitive decisions on the fringes of consciousness: Are they conscious and does it matter?
MC Price, E Norman
Judgment and Decision Making 3 (1), 28, 2008
Metacognition in psychology
E Norman, G Pfuhl, RG Sæle, F Svartdal, T Låg, TI Dahl
Review of General Psychology 23 (4), 403-424, 2019
Intuitive feelings of warmth and confidence in insight and noninsight problem solving of magic tricks
MR Hedne, E Norman, J Metcalfe
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1314, 2016
Fringe consciousness in sequence learning: The influence of individual differences
E Norman, MC Price, SC Duff
Consciousness and cognition 15 (4), 723-760, 2006
Gradations of awareness in a modified sequence learning task
E Norman, MC Price, SC Duff, RA Mentzoni
Consciousness and Cognition 16 (4), 809-837, 2007
Metacognition and reading: Comparing three forms of metacognition in normally developing readers and readers with dyslexia
B Furnes, E Norman
Dyslexia 21 (3), 273-284, 2015
Metacognition and mindfulness: the role of fringe consciousness
E Norman
Mindfulness 8 (1), 95-100, 2017
“The unconscious” in current psychology.
E Norman
European Psychologist 15 (3), 193, 2010
Social intuition as a form of implicit learning: Sequences of body movements are learned less explicitly than letter sequences
E Norman, MC Price
Advances in Cognitive Psychology 8 (2), 121, 2012
Why metacognition is not always helpful
E Norman
Frontiers in psychology, 1537, 2020
Effects of example choice on interest, control, and learning
R Reber, H Hetland, W Chen, E Norman, T Kobbeltvedt
The Journal of the Learning Sciences 18 (4), 509-548, 2009
You must be joking! Benign violations, power asymmetry, and humor in a broader social context
L Kant, E Norman
Frontiers in psychology 10, 1380, 2019
Measuring strategic control in artificial grammar learning
E Norman, MC Price, E Jones
Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4), 1920-1929, 2011
Fringe consciousness: A useful framework for clarifying the nature of experience-based metacognitive feelings
E Norman, MC Price, SC Duff
Trends and prospects in metacognition research, 63-80, 2010
The distance between us: using construal level theory to understand interpersonal distance in a digital age
E Norman, HE Tjomsland, D Huegel
Frontiers in Digital Humanities 3, 5, 2016
Take a quick click at that! Mouselab and eye-tracking as tools to measure intuition
E Norman, M Schulte-Mecklenbeck
Foundations for tracing intuition, 32-52, 2009
The relationship between strategic control and conscious structural knowledge in artificial grammar learning
E Norman, RB Scott, MC Price, Z Dienes
Consciousness and cognition 42, 229-236, 2016
Studying different tasks of implicit learning across multiple test sessions conducted on the web
W Sævland, E Norman
Frontiers in psychology 7, 808, 2016
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Articles 1–20