Mara Pasquamaria Squicciarini
Mara Pasquamaria Squicciarini
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Human capital and industrialization: Evidence from the age of enlightenment
MP Squicciarini, N Voigtländer
Quarterly Journal of Economics 30 (4), 1825-83, 2015
Mixed messages on prices and food security
J Swinnen, P Squicciarini
Science 335 (6067), 405-406, 2012
Devotion and Development: Religiosity, Education, and Economic Progress in Nineteenth-Century France
MP Squicciarini
American Economic Review 110 (11), 3454-91, 2020
The economics of chocolate
MP Squicciarini, J Swinnen
Oxford University Press, 2016
Governance quality and net migration flows
A Ariu, F Docquier, MP Squicciarini
Regional Science and Urban Economics 60, 238-248, 2016
Technology adoption and productivity growth: Evidence from industrialization in France
R Juhász, MP Squicciarini, N Voigtländer
Journal of Political Economy 132 (10), 3215-3259, 2024
The balance of brains—corruption and migration: Corruption could be an important factor for emigration and immigration decisions by highly skilled professionals
A Ariu, MP Squicciarini
EMBO reports 14 (6), 502-504, 2013
The food crisis, mass media and the political economy of policy analysis and communication
JFM Swinnen, P Squicciarini, T Vandemoortele
European Review of Agricultural Economics 38 (3), 409-426, 2011
Knowledge Elites and Modernization: Evidence from Revolutionary France
MP Squicciarini, N Voigtlaender
NBER Working Paper 22779, 2016
Food price shocks and the political economy of global agricultural and development policy
A Guariso, MP Squicciarini, J Swinnen
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 36 (3), 387-415, 2014
Away from Home and Back: Coordinating (Remote) Workers in 1800 and 2020
NV Réka Juhàsz, Mara Squicciarini
NBER Working Paper, 2020
Supply chains and economic development: Insights from the Indian dairy sector
MP Squicciarini, A Vandeplas, E Janssen, J Swinnen
Food policy 68, 128-142, 2017
Birth and migration of scientists: Does religiosity matter? Evidence from 19th-century France
G Lecce, L Ogliari, MP Squicciarini
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 187, 274-289, 2021
Global hunger: Food crisis spurs aid for poverty.
MP Squicciarini, A Guariso, J Swinnen
Nature 501 (7468), 2013
On the Political Economy of Illegal Immigration
R Berlinschi, M Squicciarini
Journées Louis-Andre Gerard-Varet Conference in Public Economics, Date: 2011 …, 2011
Information, Communication, and Agricultural and Food Policies in an Age of Commercial Mass and Social Media
J McCluskey, MP Squicciarini, J Swinnen
Global Challenges For Future Food And Agricultural Policies, 351-368, 2019
The economics and politics of food and economic development
J Swinnen, G Meloni, MP Squicciarini
Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, 47-56, 2016
The market for policy communication
JFM Swinnen, T Vandemoortele, M Squicciarini
Available at SSRN 1752830, 2010
Dealing with adversity: religiosity or science? Evidence from the great influenza pandemic
E Berkes, DM Coluccia, GG Dossi, MP Squicciarini
London School of Economics and Political Science. Centre for Economic …, 2023
Do bishops matter for politics? Evidence From Italy
G Lanzara, S Lazzaroni, P Masella, MP Squicciarini
Journal of Public Economics 238, 105177, 2024
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