Alec van Herwijnen
Cited by
Cited by
Monitoring and prediction in early warning systems for rapid mass movements
M Stähli, M Sättele, C Huggel, BW McArdell, P Lehmann, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 15 (4), 905-917, 2015
Dynamic anticrack propagation in snow
J Gaume, T Gast, J Teran, A van Herwijnen, C Jiang
Nature communications 9 (1), 3047, 2018
Snow fracture in relation to slab avalanche release: critical state for the onset of crack propagation
J Gaume, A van Herwijnen, G Chambon, N Wever, J Schweizer
The Cryosphere 11 (1), 217-228, 2017
Application of physical snowpack models in support of operational avalanche hazard forecasting: A status report on current implementations and prospects for the future
S Morin, S Horton, F Techel, M Bavay, C Coléou, C Fierz, A Gobiet, ...
Cold regions science and technology 170, 102910, 2020
Monitoring avalanche activity using a seismic sensor
A Van Herwijnen, J Schweizer
Cold Regions Science and Technology 69 (2-3), 165-176, 2011
Modeling of crack propagation in weak snowpack layers using the discrete element method
J Gaume, A van Herwijnen, G Chambon, KW Birkeland, J Schweizer
The Cryosphere 9 (5), 1915-1932, 2015
Snowpack properties associated with fracture initiation and propagation resulting in skier-triggered dry snow slab avalanches
A Van Herwijnen, B Jamieson
Cold Regions Science and Technology 50 (1-3), 13-22, 2007
A process-based approach to estimate point snow instability
B Reuter, J Schweizer, A van Herwijnen
The Cryosphere 9 (3), 837-847, 2015
Estimating the effective elastic modulus and specific fracture energy of snowpack layers from field experiments
A Van Herwijnen, J Gaume, EH Bair, B Reuter, KW Birkeland, ...
Journal of Glaciology 62 (236), 997-1007, 2016
High-speed photography of fractures in weak snowpack layers
A Van Herwijnen, B Jamieson
Cold Regions Science and Technology 43 (1-2), 71-82, 2005
A Poisson shot noise model for micro-penetration of snow
H Löwe, A Van Herwijnen
Cold Regions Science and Technology 70, 62-70, 2012
Fracture character in compression tests
A van Herwijnen, B Jamieson
Cold Regions Science and Technology 47 (1-2), 60-68, 2007
Measurement of crack‐face friction in collapsed weak snow layers
A Van Herwijnen, J Heierli
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (23), 2009
Measurement of the deformation field associated with fracture propagation in weak snowpack layers
A Van Herwijnen, J Schweizer, J Heierli
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 115 (F3), 2010
Measuring the elastic modulus of snow
B Gerling, H Löwe, A van Herwijnen
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (21), 11,088-11,096, 2017
Snow avalanches
J Schweizer, P Bartelt, A van Herwijnen
Snow and ice-related hazards, risks, and disasters, 377-416, 2021
Seismic sensor array for monitoring an avalanche start zone: design, deployment and preliminary results
A Van Herwijnen, J Schweizer
Journal of Glaciology 57 (202), 267-276, 2011
Investigating the release and flow of snow avalanches at the slope-scale using a unified model based on the material point method
J Gaume, A van Herwijnen, T Gast, J Teran, C Jiang
Cold Regions Science and Technology 168, 102847, 2019
Avalanche release 101
J Schweizer, B Reuter, A Van Herwijnen, J Gaume
Proceedings ISSW, 1-11, 2016
On forecasting wet-snow avalanche activity using simulated snow cover data
S Bellaire, A van Herwijnen, C Mitterer, J Schweizer
Cold Regions Science and Technology 144, 28-38, 2017
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Articles 1–20