Lauren M Papp
Lauren M Papp
Professor of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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For richer, for poorer: Money as a topic of marital conflict in the home
LM Papp, EM Cummings, MC Goeke‐Morey
Family relations 58 (1), 91-103, 2009
Everyday marital conflict and child aggression
EM Cummings, MC Goeke-Morey, LM Papp
Journal of abnormal child psychology 32, 191-202, 2004
Children's responses to everyday marital conflict tactics in the home
EM Cummings, MC Goeke‐morey, LM Papp
Child development 74 (6), 1918-1929, 2003
Romantic partners' individual coping strategies and dyadic coping: implications for relationship functioning.
LM Papp, NL Witt
Journal of Family Psychology 24 (5), 551-559, 2010
“Are we Facebook official?” Implications of dating partners' Facebook use and profiles for intimate relationship satisfaction
LM Papp, J Danielewicz, C Cayemberg
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 15 (2), 85-90, 2012
Spillover between marital quality and parent–child relationship quality: Parental depressive symptoms as moderators.
CD Kouros, LM Papp, MC Goeke-Morey, EM Cummings
Journal of Family Psychology 28 (3), 315, 2014
Children's responses to mothers' and fathers' emotionality and tactics in marital conflict in the home.
EM Cummings, MC Goeke-Morey, LM Papp, TL Dukewich
Journal of Family Psychology 16 (4), 478-492, 2002
Interrelations and moderators of longitudinal links between marital satisfaction and depressive symptoms among couples in established relationships.
CD Kouros, LM Papp, EM Cummings
Journal of Family Psychology 22 (5), 667-677, 2008
Relations of Husbands' and Wives' Dysphoria to Marital Conflict Resolution Strategies.
TD Du Rocher Schudlich, LM Papp, EM Cummings
Journal of Family Psychology 18 (1), 171-183, 2004
Mother-adolescent physiological synchrony in naturalistic settings: Within-family cortisol associations and moderators.
LM Papp, P Pendry, EK Adam
Journal of Family Psychology 23 (6), 882-894, 2009
Children and marital conflict resolution: Implications for emotional security and adjustment.
MC Goeke-Morey, EM Cummings, LM Papp
Journal of Family Psychology; Journal of Family Psychology 21 (4), 744-753, 2007
Demand‐withdraw patterns in marital conflict in the home
LM Papp, CD Kouros, EM Cummings
Personal Relationships 16 (2), 285-300, 2009
Relations between spouses' depressive symptoms and marital conflict: A longitudinal investigation of the role of conflict resolution styles.
TD Du Rocher Schudlich, LM Papp, EM Cummings
Journal of Family Psychology 25 (4), 531-540, 2011
Emotions in marital conflict interactions: Empathic accuracy, assumed similarity, and the moderating context of depressive symptoms
LM Papp, CD Kouros, EM Cummings
Journal of social and personal relationships 27 (3), 367-387, 2010
Spillover of marital interactions and parenting stress in families of children with autism spectrum disorder
SL Hartley, LM Papp, D Bolt
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 47 (sup1), S88-S99, 2018
Linkages between spouses' psychological distress and marital conflict in the home.
LM Papp, MC Goeke-Morey, EM Cummings
Journal of Family Psychology 21 (3), 533-537, 2007
Spouses' cortisol associations and moderators: Testing physiological synchrony and connectedness in everyday life
LM Papp, P Pendry, CD Simon, EK Adam
Family process 52 (2), 284-298, 2013
Marital aggression and children's responses to everyday interparental conflict
EM Cummings, CD Kouros, LM Papp
European Psychologist 12 (1), 17-28, 2007
Marital conflicts in the home when children are present versus absent.
LM Papp, EM Cummings, MC Goeke-Morey
Developmental Psychology 38 (5), 774-783, 2002
Couple conflict, children, and families: It's not just you and me, babe
EM Cummings, MC Goeke-Morey, LM Papp
Couples in conflict, 117-147, 2001
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