Merete Saus
Merete Saus
Professor ved Institutt for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet
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Acknowledging the Past while Looking to the Future
SS Nicolai, M Saus
Child welfare 92 (4), 55-74, 2013
Emphasizing indigenous communities in social work research ethics
RH Nygård, M Saus
International Social Work 59 (5), 666-678, 2016
Coping with paradoxes: Norwegian child welfare leaders managing complexity
BS Olsvik, M Saus
Child Care in Practice 28 (3), 464-481, 2022
Kunnskapsstatus og kunnskapsbehov for barnevernet i samiske områder
M Saus, B Utviklingssenter
Barnevernets utviklingssenter i Nord-Norges, Skriftserie 2, 2008
Utredning om barnevern for den samiske befolkningen, innvandrere og nasjonale minoriteter i Norge. Kompetansehevende tiltak, kunnskapsmiljø og samiske barns særlige rettigheter
M Saus, A Salamonsen, M Douglas, KL Hansen, SK Thode
UiT–Norges arktiske universitet. https://bibliotek. bufdir. no/BUF/101 …, 2018
Child welfare services for indigenous populations: A comparison of child welfare histories, policies, practices and laws for American Indians and Norwegian Sámis
MA Jacobs, M Saus
Child Care in Practice 18 (3), 271-290, 2012
Det kyndige blikk, det ukyndige blikk og det døde blikk
M Saus
Skriftserien Kultur og barnevernsarbeid. Barnevernets Utviklingssenter i …, 2006
Parenting interventions for families with refugee backgrounds: a randomized factorial, mixed-methods design study protocol
J Patras, M Saus, M Douglas, R Bjørknes, S Gammelsæter, ...
Trials 22, 1-13, 2021
Skjønn i praktisk barnevernledelse; Kollektiv prosess med organisatoriske begrensninger
BS Olsvik, M Saus
Tidsskriftet Norges barnevern 96 (4), 262-281, 2019
Cultural competence and children in the North
M Saus
Insights and Outlouds: Childhood Research in the North; Kronqvist, E.-L …, 2006
Kontekstuelt barnevern: barnevern i samiske landskap
M Saus
Barnevernets utviklingssenter i Nord-Norge, 2008
Kontekstuelt barnevern
M Saus
Kultur og barnevernsarbeid. Hefte 2, 2006
Saamelaisten isien kasvastusstregioita
EM Boine, M Saus
Koulu ja pohjoisen pojat, 2012
Invisible differentness in Sámi child protection services
M Douglas, M Saus
Child care in practice 27 (3), 251-265, 2021
Privacy preserving distributed computation of community health research data
A Andersen, M Saus
Procedia computer science 113, 633-640, 2017
Native American social work–Including family and community
S Swanson, RH Nygård, M Saus
Journal of Social Work 22 (3), 615-636, 2022
Young Sami men on the move: Actors, activities, and aims for the future
M Saus, EM Boine
AlterNative: an international journal of indigenous peoples 15 (4), 368-376, 2019
Is family group conferencing a culturally adequate method outside the origin of New Zealand? A systematic review
RH Nygård, M Saus
Whiting & Birch Ltd, 2019
Conceptualization of Culture and Ethnicity within Social Work in Two Indigenous Communities: Implications for Culturally Adequate Social Work
RH Nygård, M Saus, SS Nicolai
Journal of Comparative Social Work 13 (2), 4-30, 2018
Mellom entusiasme og anvendelse-Barnevernsarbeideres oppfatninger og erfaringer med familieråd
M Saus, T Jenssen, A Strandbu
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern 94 (1), 54-70, 2017
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