Xiaofei pan
Xiaofei pan
Assistant Professor, Bryant University
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The causal effect of market priming on trust: An experimental investigation using randomized control
O Al-Ubaydli, D Houser, J Nye, MP Paganelli, XS Pan
PloS one 8 (3), e55968, 2013
Cooperation during cultural group formation promotes trust towards members of out-groups
XS Pan, D Houser
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280 (1762), 2013
Gym membership programs: Image motivation and conditional discount framing
X Pan, S Yoon
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 43 (3), 301-318, 2022
Competition for trophies triggers male generosity
XS Pan, D Houser
PloS one 6 (4), e18050, 2011
It’s not just the thought that counts: An experimental study on the hidden cost of giving
X Pan, E Xiao
Journal of Public Economics 138, 22-31, 2016
Mating strategies and gender differences in pro-sociality: Theory and evidence
X Pan, D Houser
CESifo Economic Studies 57 (4), 653-682, 2011
Social Approval, Competition, and Cooperation
X Pan, D Houser
Experimental Economics, 2016
Why trust out-groups? The role of punishment under uncertainty
X Pan, D Houser
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 158, 236-254, 2019
The effect of task choice and task assignment on the gender earnings gap: An experimental study
K Ou, X Pan
European Economic Review 136, 103753, 2021
Movin’on up? A survey experiment on mobility enhancing policies
J Barton, X Pan
European Journal of Political Economy 74, 102172, 2022
Blameable and imperfect: A study of risk-taking and accountability
JA Aimone, X Pan
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 172, 196-216, 2020
A demand for encompassment: A Hayekian experimental parable about political psychology
DB Klein, X Pan, D Houser, G Schwarz
Rationality and Society 27 (1), 70-95, 2015
My Risk, Your Risk, and Our Risk: Costly Deviation in Delegated Risk-Taking Environments
JA Aimone, X Pan
Journal of Behavioral Finance 23 (4), 371-387, 2022
Relatively accurate but absolutely off: US residents’ estimates of relative and absolute economic mobility
J Barton, X Pan
Applied Economics 54 (45), 5209-5222, 2022
Team Incentives and Lower Ability Workers: An Experimental Study on Real-Effort Tasks
RB Freeman, X Pan, X Yang, M Ye
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Team Incentives and Lower Ability Workers: A Real-Effort Experiment
RBFXP Xiaolan, YM Ye, X Pan, X Yang
An anger premium: An experiment on the role of counterpart emotions in coordination
B Jiang, X Pan
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 103, 101985, 2023
Equal Sharing Motivates Lower-Ability Workers in Team Production
RB Freeman, X Pan, X Yang, M Ye
VoxEU-CEPR, 2022
Team Incentives and Lower Ability Workers: An Experimental Study on Real-Effort Tasks Richard B. Freeman, Xiaofei Pan, Xiaolan Yang, and Maoliang Ye NBER Working Paper No. 30427
RB Freeman, X Pan, X Yang, M Ye
Team Incentives and Lower Ability Workers: A Real-Effort Experiment
RB Freeman, X Pan, X Yang, M Ye
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