B Pablo Montagnes
B Pablo Montagnes
Andre navnBrendan Montagnes, Pablo Montagnes, BP Montagnes
Associate Professor, Emory University
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College football, elections, and false-positive results in observational research
A Fowler, BP Montagnes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (45), 13800-13804, 2015
Lobbyists as gatekeepers: Theory and evidence
AV Hirsch, K Kang, BP Montagnes, HY You
The Journal of Politics 85 (2), 731-748, 2023
Mass purges: Top-down accountability in autocracy
BP Montagnes, S Wolton
American Political Science Review 113 (4), 1045-1059, 2019
Backward induction in the wild? Evidence from sequential voting in the US senate
JL Spenkuch, BP Montagnes, DB Magleby
American Economic Review 108 (7), 1971-2013, 2018
Presidential coattails versus the median voter: Senator selection in US elections
Y Halberstam, BP Montagnes
Journal of Public Economics 121, 40-51, 2015
Testing core predictions of spatial models: Platform moderation and challenger success
BP Montagnes, JC Rogowski
Political Science Research and Methods 3 (3), 619-640, 2015
Critical success factors for high routine immunization performance: A case study of Senegal
Z Sakas, KA Hester, K Rodriguez, SA Diatta, AS Ellis, DM Gueye, ...
Vaccine: X 14, 100296, 2023
Critical success factors for routine immunization performance: A case study of Zambia 2000 to 2018
K Micek, KA Hester, C Chanda, R Darwar, B Dounebaine, AS Ellis, ...
Vaccine: X 11, 100166, 2022
The Lobbyist’s Dilemma: Gatekeeping and the Profit Motive
AV Hirsch, BP Montagnes
California Institute of Technology Working Paper, 2015
Bounding partisan approval rates under endogenous partisanship: why high presidential partisan approval may not be what it seems
BP Montagnes, Z Peskowitz, J McCrain
The Journal of Politics 81 (1), 321-326, 2019
Critical success factors for high routine immunization performance: A case study of Nepal
OEA ester KA, Sakas Z, Ellis AS, Bose AS, Darwar R, Gautam J, Jaishwal C ...
Vaccine: X 12 (1), 100214., 2022
Politics from the bench? Ideology and strategic voting in the US Supreme Court
TS Clark, BP Montagnes, JL Spenkuch
Journal of Public Economics 214, 104726, 2022
Distinguishing between false positives and genuine results: the case of irrelevant events and elections
A Fowler, BP Montagnes
The Journal of Politics 85 (1), 304-309, 2023
Political Incentives to Privatize
BP Montagnes, B Bektemirov
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14218331/Webpage …, 2014
Rule versus discretion: regulatory uncertainty, firm investment, and bureaucratic organization
BP Montagnes, S Wolton
The Journal of Politics 79 (2), 457-472, 2017
Stable Matching on the Job? Theory and Evidence on Internal Talent Markets
PP B Cowgill, Jonathan M.V. Davis, B. Pablo Montagnes
SSRN, 2024
Priming self-reported partisanship: implications for survey design and analysis
KJ Schiff, BP Montagnes, Z Peskowitz
Public Opinion Quarterly 86 (3), 643-667, 2022
Reply to Healy et al.: Value of ex ante predictions and independent tests for assessing false-positive results
A Fowler, BP Montagnes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (48), E6592-E6592, 2015
Extinction by miscalculation: the threat to Sakinaw and Cultus Lake sockeye
MR Gross, P Montagnes, M Parkes, P Riis, B Roberts, MA Turner
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, 2004
On the Importance of Independent Evidence: A Reply to Graham et al.
A Fowler, BP Montagnes
Available at SSRN 4204045, 2022
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