Achint Oommen Thomas
Achint Oommen Thomas
Data Architect, Scribble Data
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Cited by
Abusive language detection in online user content
C Nobata, J Tetreault, A Thomas, Y Mehdad, Y Chang
Proceedings of the 25th international conference on world wide web, 145-153, 2016
Unbiased online active learning in data streams
W Chu, M Zinkevich, L Li, A Thomas, B Tseng
Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2011
Synthetic handwritten captchas
AO Thomas, A Rusu, V Govindaraju
Pattern Recognition 42 (12), 3365-3373, 2009
Large-scale anomaly detection with relative density-ratio estimation
M Yamada, C Qin, H Ouyang, A Thomas, Y Chang
US Patent 10,909,468, 2021
Generation and use of handwritten CAPTCHAs
A Rusu, A Thomas, V Govindaraju
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 13, 49-64, 2010
Overcoming browser cookie churn with clustering
A Dasgupta, M Gurevich, L Zhang, B Tseng, AO Thomas
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2012
Clustering cookies for identifying unique mobile devices
A Dasgupta, L Zhang, M Gurevich, AO Thomas, B Tseng
US Patent 8,396,822, 2013
Generic feature extraction for classification using fuzzy c-means clustering
KG Srinivasa, A Singh, AO Thomas, KR Venugopal, LM Patnaik
2005 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sensing and Information …, 2005
Retrieving handwriting styles: A content based approach to handwritten document retrieval
A Bhardwaj, AO Thomas, Y Fu, V Govindaraju
2010 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2010
Captchas that include overlapped characters, projections on virtual 3d surfaces, and/or virtual 3d objects
S Ravikumar, A Dasgupta, K Punera, AO Thomas
US Patent App. 12/701,347, 2011
Online active learning in user-generated content streams
W Chu, M Zinkevich, L Li, AO Thomas, B Tseng
US Patent 9,967,218, 2018
System and method for user preference augmentation through social network inner-circle knowledge discovery
S Mukund, V Govindaraju, A Bhardwaj, AO Thomas, S Setlur
US Patent App. 14/119,202, 2014
Comparative analysis of registration based and registration free methods for cancelable fingerprint biometrics
AO Thomas, NK Ratha, JH Connell, RM Bolle
2008 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1-4, 2008
Adaptive learning machine for score improvement and parts thereof
K Faldu, A Avasthi, A Thomas
US Patent 10,854,099, 2020
Framework for evaluation of text captchas
A Thomas, K Punera, L Kennedy, B Tseng, Y Chang
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide Web, 159-160, 2013
System and method for generating an assessment paper and measuring the quality thereof
N Desai, K Faldu, A Thomas, A Avasthi
US Patent 11,393,354, 2022
System and method for recommending personalized content using contextualized knowledge base
K Faldu, A Thomas, A Avasthi
US Patent 11,416,558, 2022
Compress and Mine: An Efficient Graph Based Algorithm to Generate Frequent Itemsets
PD Shenoy, K Srinivasa, AO Thomas
System and method for behavioral analysis and recommendations
K Faldu, A Thomas, A Avasthi
US Patent 11,482,127, 2022
Leveraging the mixed-text segmentation problem to design secure handwritten CAPTCHAs
AO Thomas, S Choudhury, V Govindaraju
2010 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2010
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Articles 1–20