Øyvind Søraas Skorge
Øyvind Søraas Skorge
Andre navnOyvind Skorge, Øyvind Skorge, Oyvind Soraas Skorge
Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
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Kjønnsdelte utdannings-og yrkesvalg: En kunnskapsoppsummering
L Reisel, ØS Skorge, S Uvaag
En kunnskapsoppsummering (Rapport 2019: 6) Hentet fra http://hdl. handle …, 2019
Does education affect immigration attitudes? Evidence from an education reform
H Finseraas, ØS Skorge, M Strøm
Electoral Studies 55, 131-135, 2018
The Dilemma of Gender Equality: How Labor Market Regulation Divides Women by Class
T Iversen, FMC Rosenbluth, Ø Skorge
Daedalus 149 (1), 86-99, 2020
Mobilizing the Underrepresented: Electoral Systems and Gender Inequality in Political Participation
ØS Skorge
American Journal of Political Science 67 (3), 538-552, 2023
Volte-face on the welfare state: Social partners, knowledge economies, and the expansion of work-family policies
ØS Skorge, MB Rasmussen
Politics & Society 50 (2), 222–254, 2022
CORE næringslivsstudie–kjønnsbalanse på toppen i næringslivet: Hindringer og muligheter
S Halrynjo, RH Kitterød, M Mangset, ØS Skorge
Institutt for samfunnsforskning, 2022
“The Miracle Tablet Maybe”: Legalization of the Pill and Women’s Childbearing and Career Decisions
H Finseraas, ØS Skorge
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 26 (2 …, 2019
Care for Career: Mothers, Toddlers, and the Benefits of Daycare Services for Female Leadership
H Finseraas, ØS Skorge
Working paper, 2018
Petitions and the Electoral Mobilization of Women
ØS Skorge
Empirical Studies of Gender Workshop, 2018
The business of change: Employers and work-family policy reforms
MB Rasmussen, ØS Skorge
Business Interests and the Development of the Modern Welfare State, 2019
The Demand for Work-Family Policies in Advanced Capitalist Democracies
Ø Skorge
Democratic State and Democratic Society: Institutional Change in the Nordic …, 2019
Household Education Gaps and Gender Role Attitudes
M Giani, D Hope, Ø Skorge
Political Science Research and Methods 10, 823–830, 2022
Gender and Politics Research as a Tool for Societal Change: Lessons from the United Kingdom
R Campbell, M Cowper-Coles, A De-Freitas, M Morgan-Collins, Ø Skorge
Politics & Gender, 1-6, 2024
Divided by Ambition: The Gender Politics of Labor Market Regulation
T Iversen, F Rosenbluth, Ø Skorge
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