Rosanne Scholl
Rosanne Scholl
Survey Scientist, Mozilla; Former Assistant Professor, Manship School of Mass Communication and
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News recommendations from social media opinion leaders: Effects on media trust and information seeking
J Turcotte, C York, J Irving, RM Scholl, RJ Pingree
Journal of computer-mediated communication 20 (5), 520-535, 2015
Campaign ads, online messaging, and participation: Extending the communication mediation model
DV Shah, J Cho, S Nah, MR Gotlieb, H Hwang, NJ Lee, RM Scholl, ...
Journal of communication 57 (4), 676-703, 2007
Campaigns, reflection, and deliberation: Advancing an OSROR model of communication effects
J Cho, DV Shah, JM McLeod, DM McLeod, RM Scholl, MR Gotlieb
Communication theory 19 (1), 66-88, 2009
Youth antecedents to news media consumption: Parent and youth newspaper use, news discussion, and long-term news behavior
C York, RM Scholl
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 92 (3), 681-699, 2015
Effects of postdebate coverage on spontaneous policy reasoning
RJ Pingree, RM Scholl, AM Quenette
Journal of Communication 62 (4), 643-658, 2012
Objectivity and information bias in campaign news
JL Dunaway, NT Davis, J Padgett, RM Scholl
Journal of Communication 65 (5), 770-792, 2015
Expert interviews with science communicators: How perceptions of audience values influence science communication values and practices
P Brown, R Scholl
F1000Research 3, 128, 2014
Cumulative and long-term campaign advertising effects on trust and talk
MR Gotlieb, RM Scholl, TN Ridout, KM Goldstein, DV Shah
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29 (1), 1-22, 2017
Public broadcasting, media engagement, and 2-1-1: using mass communication to increase the use of social services
DV Shah, DM McLeod, H Rojas, BG Sayre, E Vraga, RM Scholl, C Jones, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 43 (6), S443-S449, 2012
Here’s what you’ll learn from this news story: Prior framing and learning reasons from news
RM Scholl, RJ Pingree, MR Gotlieb, AS Veenstra, DV Shah
Electronic News 10 (2), 71-86, 2016
Civic engagement of youths during their transition to adulthood
R Scholl
New Technologies and Civic Engagement, 46-58, 2015
Using Mass Communication to Increase the Use of Social Services
DV Shah, DM McLeod, H Rojas, BG Sayre, E Vraga, RM Scholl, C Jones, ...
Public Broadcasting, Media Engagement and, 2-1, 2012
Media and Political Engagement: Citizens, Communication, and Democracy, by Peter Dahlgren: New York: Cambride University Press, 2009. 246 pp. 80hardcover, 24.99 paper
RM Scholl
Taylor & Francis Group 26 (4), 477-479, 2009
A Step in the Right Direction: Online Social Networks and Participation
L Newport, R Scholl
annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass …, 2009
Political and Economic Communication: Media Effects on Economic Attitudes
RM Scholl
University of Wisconsin--Madison, 2008
Political Science 4034: Political Participation (Political Behavior)
R Scholl
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