Goutam Roy
Cited by
Cited by
Response, readiness and challenges of online teaching amid COVID-19 pandemic: the case of higher education in Bangladesh
G Roy, R Babu, MA Kalam, N Yasmin, T Zafar, SR Nath
Educational and Developmental Psychologist 39 (1), 1-11, 2021
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Learning from the Challenges
MMC Shohel, G Roy, M Ashrafuzzaman, R Babu
Education Sciences 12 (12), 19, 2022
New Vision Old Challenges: The State of Pre-primary Education in Bangladesh
SR Nath, G Roy, MH Rahman, KS Ahmed, AMR Chowdhury
Campaign for Popular Education, 2014
Achievement of Primary Competencies: A Comparison between Government and BRAC Schools
SR Nath, G Roy, NC Dutta, A Hossain
BRAC Research and Evaluation Division, 2007
Important considerations in planning student-centred education
TK Biswas, G Roy
Primary Education Journal 4 (1), 59-68, 2010
Access to Higher Education for Refugees in South Asia
MMC Shohel, G Roy, MS Ahsan, DR Acharya
Refugee Education in South Asia: Policies, Practices, and Implications, 187-222, 2021
Analysing Bottlenecks to Equal Participation in Primary Education in Bangladesh: An Equity Perspective
LFA Banu, G Roy, MS Shafiq
Engaging in Educational Research: Revisiting Policy and Practice in …, 2018
Methodological Challenges and Concerns of Using Interview Method to Conduct Socio-culturally Sensitive Research
MMC Shohel, M Jia, R Jahan, G Roy
Bangladesh Journal of Educational Research 1 (2), 100 - 115, 2015
Computer-aided learning and mentoring for improvement of teaching quality: an assessment of BRAC interventions
N Sharmin, G Roy
BRAC Research Report May 2011, 2011
Competency-based Assessment in Primary Education in Bangladesh - A Review
G Roy
Hulla & Co Human Dynamics K.G., 2016
Student Motivation in Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of Bangladesh
G Roy, S Dutta, SA Tanni, A Rahman
Handbook of Research on Redesigning Teaching, Learning, and Assessment in …, 2023
Massive Open Online Courses among Bengali-Speaking People: Participation Patterns, Motivations and Challenges about Data Analysis
G Roy
University of Twente, 2018
Transition to Blended Learning in a Limited Resource Setting: Administrators' and Teachers' Perceptions
G Roy, MM Abdin
Handbook of Research on Revisioning and Reconstructing Higher Education …, 2023
Exploring low performance in education: The case of Sylhet division
SR Nath, MM Kabir, KS Ahmed, G Roy, A Hossain, SMN Alam, ...
Campaign for Popular Education, 2011
Factors affecting variations in the achievement of competencies: a case study of BRAC primary schools
SR Nath, G Roy, A Hossain
Dhaka: BRAC Research and Evaluation Division, 2006
Education for Refugees in South Asia: Aid or Development?
G Roy, MA Prodip, D Nandy
Refugee Education in South Asia: Policies, Practices, and Implications, 223-230, 2021
Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainability in the Bangladeshi School Curriculum
MMC Shohel, G Roy, T Chowdhury, AS Alam, S Shams
Handbook of Research on Environmental Education Strategies for Addressing …, 2021
Religious education in Bangladesh: History, politics and curriculum
M Miron Bhowmik, G Roy
Religious Education in Asia: Spiritual Diversity in Globalized Times, 200, 2020
Social studies education in Bangladesh: Contextual influences, reforms and development and curriculum
MK Bhowmik, G Roy, F Sultana
Social Studies Education in South and South East Asian Contexts, 16, 2021
Achievement of primary competencies: A comparison between BPS and EIC schools
S Nath, A Hossain, G Roy
Available at SSRN 2919747, 2008
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Articles 1–20