Jungwoo Lee
Jungwoo Lee
Director, Center for Work Science; Professor, Yonsei University
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Cited by
Developing fully functional E-government: A four stage model
K Layne, J Lee
Government information quarterly 18 (2), 122-136, 2001
Impacts of influencer attributes on purchase intentions in social media influencer marketing: Mediating roles of characterizations
H Masuda, SH Han, J Lee
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 174, 121246, 2022
10 year retrospect on stage models of e-Government: A qualitative meta-synthesis
J Lee
Government information quarterly 27 (3), 220-230, 2010
Knowledge sharing in information systems development projects: Explicating the role of dependence and trust
JG Park, J Lee
International Journal of Project Management 32 (1), 153-165, 2014
Developing and validating a citizen-centric typology for smart city services
J Lee, H Lee
Government Information Quarterly 31, S93-S105, 2014
Digital work and organisational transformation: Emergent Digital/Human work configurations in modern organisations
J Baptista, MK Stein, S Klein, MB Watson-Manheim, J Lee
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 29 (2), 101618, 2020
Discriminant analysis of technology adoption behavior: a case of internet technologies in small businesses
J Lee
Journal of computer information systems 44 (4), 57-66, 2004
Exploring the impact of communication effectiveness on service quality, trust and relationship commitment in IT services
J Park, J Lee, H Lee, D Truex
International Journal of Information Management 32 (5), 459-468, 2012
Adoption of information technology in small business: Testing drivers of adoption for entrepreneurs
J Lee, J Runge
Journal of Computer Information Systems 42 (1), 44-57, 2001
Measures of perceived end-user computing skills
G Torkzadeh, J Lee
Information & Management 40 (7), 607-615, 2003
Exploring the impact of empowering leadership on knowledge sharing, absorptive capacity and team performance in IT service
J Lee, H Lee, JG Park
Information Technology & People 27 (3), 366-386, 2014
Raising team social capital with knowledge and communication in information systems development projects
J Lee, JG Park, S Lee
International Journal of Project Management 33 (4), 797-807, 2015
Role of leadership competencies and team social capital in IT services
H Lee, J Park, J Lee
Journal of Computer Information Systems 53 (4), 1-11, 2013
Explaining knowledge sharing with social capital theory in information systems development projects
S Lee, JG Park, J Lee
Industrial Management & Data Systems 115 (5), 883-900, 2015
Building an integrated service management platform for ubiquitous cities
J Lee, S Baik, CC Lee
Computer 44 (6), 56-63, 2011
Grounded theory analysis of e-government initiatives: Exploring perceptions of government authorities
J Lee, J Kim
Government Information Quarterly 24 (1), 135-147, 2007
Platform government in the era of smart technology
S Kim, KN Andersen, J Lee
Public Administration Review 82 (2), 362-368, 2022
Crisis communication on social media: what types of COVID-19 messages get the attention?
L Kwok, J Lee, SH Han
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 63 (4), 528-543, 2022
Communication effectiveness on IT service relationship quality
JG Park, S Lee, J Lee
Industrial Management & Data Systems 114 (2), 321-336, 2014
Electronic citizens participation: Systematic review
A Boudjelida, S Mellouli, J Lee
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on theory and practice of …, 2016
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Articles 1–20