Andy Pike
Andy Pike
Henry Daysh Professor of Regional Development Studies, Centre for Urban and Regional Development
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Local and regional development
A Pike, A Rodríguez-Pose, J Tomaney
Routledge, 2016
Resilience, adaptation and adaptability
A Pike, S Dawley, J Tomaney
Cambridge journal of regions, economy and society 3 (1), 59-70, 2010
What kind of local and regional development and for whom?
A Pike, A Rodríguez-Pose, J Tomaney
Regional studies 41 (9), 1253-1269, 2007
Evolution in economic geography: institutions, political economy, and adaptation
D MacKinnon, A Cumbers, A Pike, K Birch, R McMaster
Economic geography 85 (2), 129-150, 2009
Economic geographies of financialization
A Pike, J Pollard
Economic geography 86 (1), 29-51, 2010
Rethinking path creation: A geographical political economy approach
D MacKinnon, S Dawley, A Pike, A Cumbers
Economic geography 95 (2), 113-135, 2019
Handbook of local and regional development
A Pike, A Rodríguez-Pose, J Tomaney
Routledge, 2011
Towards the resilient region?
S Dawley, A Pike, J Tomaney
Local Economy 25 (8), 650-667, 2010
Shifting horizons in local and regional development
A Pike, A Rodríguez-Pose, J Tomaney
Transitions in regional economic development, 82-102, 2018
Geographies of brands and branding
A Pike
Progress in Human Geography 33 (5), 619-645, 2009
The state and uneven development: the governance of economic development in England in the post-devolution UK
A Pike, J Tomaney
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 2 (1), 13-34, 2009
Reframing urban and regional ‘development’for ‘left behind’places
D MacKinnon, L Kempton, P O’Brien, E Ormerod, A Pike, J Tomaney
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 15 (1), 39-56, 2022
Local institutions and local economic development: the Local Enterprise Partnerships in England, 2010–
A Pike, D Marlow, A McCarthy, P O’Brien, J Tomaney
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (2), 185-204, 2015
Whither regional studies?
A Pike
Regional Studies 41 (9), 1143-1148, 2007
Policy activism and regional path creation: the promotion of offshore wind in North East England and Scotland
S Dawley, D MacKinnon, A Cumbers, A Pike
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8 (2), 257-272, 2015
Brands and branding geographies
A Pike
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011
Spatially rebalancing the UK economy: towards a new policy model?
R Martin, A Pike, P Tyler, B Gardiner
Regional Studies 50 (2), 342-357, 2016
Optimising proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs) for oral drug delivery: a drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics perspective
A Pike, B Williamson, S Harlfinger, S Martin, DF McGinnity
Drug Discovery Today 25 (10), 1793-1800, 2020
Income inequality, decentralisation, and regional development in Western Europe
V Tselios, A Rodríguez-Pose, A Pike, J Tomaney, G Torrisi
Environment and Planning A 44 (6), 1278-1301, 2012
Doing evolution in economic geography
A Pike, D MacKinnon, A Cumbers, S Dawley, R McMaster
Economic Geography 92 (2), 123-144, 2016
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