Gabriele Rovigatti
Gabriele Rovigatti
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Theory and practice of total-factor productivity estimation: The control function approach using Stata
G Rovigatti, V Mollisi
The Stata Journal 18 (3), 618-662, 2018
From mad men to maths men: Concentration and buyer power in online advertising
F Decarolis, G Rovigatti
American Economic Review 111 (10), 3299-3327, 2021
Supplier Selection and Contract Enforcement: Evidence on Performance Bonding
LM Giuffrida, G Rovigatti
PRODEST: Stata module for production function estimation based on the control function approach
G Rovigatti, V Mollisi
Procuring survival
M Cappelletti, LM Giuffrida, G Rovigatti
The Journal of Industrial Economics, 2024
Measuring market power: macro-and micro-evidence from Italy
E Ciapanna, S Formai, A Linarello, G Rovigatti
Empirical Economics, 1-41, 2024
Strategic entry and potential competition: Evidence from compressed gas fuel retail
G Pavan, A Pozzi, G Rovigatti
International Journal of Industrial Organization 69, 102566, 2020
Procurement Centralization in the EU: the Case of Italy
L Castellani, F Decarolis, G Rovigatti
Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2018
Production Function Estimation in R: The prodest Package
G Rovigatti
The Journal of Open Source Software 2, 371, 2017
The making of public works in Italy: Institutional features and regional characteristics
A Baltrunaite, T Orlando, G Rovigatti
Italian Economic Journal, 1-38, 2023
Artificial Intelligence & Data Obfuscation: Algorithmic Competition in Digital Ad Auctions
F Decarolis, G Rovigatti, M Rovigatti, K Shakhgildyan
Available at SSRN 4660391, 2023
The Effects of Deregulating Retail Operating Hours: Empirical Evidence from Italy
L Rizzica, G Roma, G Rovigatti
The Journal of Law and Economics 66 (1), 21-52, 2023
Il Processo di Centralizzazione degli Acquisti Pubblici: Tra Evoluzione Normativa e Evidenza Empirica
L Castellani, F Decarolis, G Rovigatti
MERCATO CONCORRENZA REGOLE 19 (3), 565-605, 2017
MARKUPEST: Stata module for markup estimation via Micro and Macro approaches
G Rovigatti
Boston College Department of Economics, 2020
Refueling a Quiet Fire: Old Truthers and New Discontent in the Wake of Covid-19
G Beccari, M Giaccherini, J Kopinska, G Rovigatti
CESifo Working Paper, 2023
Vax populi: the social costs of online vaccine skepticism
M Giaccherini, J Kopinska, G Rovigatti
CESifo, 2022
Procurement Managers and Effective Tendering: The Case of Italian Public Works Contracts
A Baltrunaite, E Maltese, T Orlando, G Rovigatti
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2023
Il ricorso all’inversione procedimentale nell’affidamento dei contratti pubblici (Reverse Procedure in Public Procurement)
A Baltrunaite, T Orlando, G Rovigatti, V Ragozini, I Pizzolla
Bank of Italy Occasional Paper, 2023
The grocery trolley race in times of Covid-19: evidence from Italy
E Ciapanna, G Rovigatti
Italian Economic Journal 8 (2), 471-498, 2022
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