Konstantin Pogorelov
Konstantin Pogorelov
Independent Scientist
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Cited by
Kvasir: A multi-class image dataset for computer aided gastrointestinal disease detection
K Pogorelov, KR Randel, C Griwodz, SL Eskeland, T de Lange, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference, 164-169, 2017
Comparative validation of polyp detection methods in video colonoscopy: results from the MICCAI 2015 endoscopic vision challenge
J Bernal, N Tajkbaksh, FJ Sanchez, BJ Matuszewski, H Chen, L Yu, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 36 (6), 1231-1249, 2017
HyperKvasir, a comprehensive multi-class image and video dataset for gastrointestinal endoscopy
H Borgli, V Thambawita, PH Smedsrud, S Hicks, D Jha, SL Eskeland, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 283, 2020
Natural disasters detection in social media and satellite imagery: a survey
N Said, K Ahmad, M Riegler, K Pogorelov, L Hassan, N Ahmad, N Conci
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 31267-31302, 2019
Efficient disease detection in gastrointestinal videos–global features versus neural networks
K Pogorelov, M Riegler, SL Eskeland, T de Lange, D Johansen, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 22493-22525, 2017
Nerthus: A bowel preparation quality video dataset
K Pogorelov, KR Randel, T de Lange, SL Eskeland, C Griwodz, ...
Proceedings of the 8th ACM on Multimedia Systems Conference, 170-174, 2017
Automatic detection of passable roads after floods in remote sensed and social media data
K Ahmad, K Pogorelov, M Riegler, O Ostroukhova, P Halvorsen, N Conci, ...
Signal Processing: Image Communication 74, 110-118, 2019
Social media and satellites: Disaster event detection, linking and summarization
K Ahmad, K Pogorelov, M Riegler, N Conci, P Halvorsen
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 2837-2875, 2019
Deep learning and hand-crafted feature based approaches for polyp detection in medical videos
K Pogorelov, O Ostroukhova, M Jeppsson, H Espeland, C Griwodz, ...
2018 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2018
Multimedia and medicine: Teammates for better disease detection and survival
M Riegler, M Lux, C Griwodz, C Spampinato, T de Lange, SL Eskeland, ...
Proceedings of the 24th ACM international conference on Multimedia, 968-977, 2016
FakeNews: Corona Virus and 5G Conspiracy Task at MediaEval 2020.
K Pogorelov, DT Schroeder, L Burchard, J Moe, S Brenner, P Filkukova, ...
MediaEval, 2020
Top-down saliency detection driven by visual classification
F Murabito, C Spampinato, S Palazzo, D Giordano, K Pogorelov, ...
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 172, 67-76, 2018
Eir—efficient computer aided diagnosis framework for gastrointestinal endoscopies
M Riegler, K Pogorelov, P Halvorsen, T de Lange, C Griwodz, PT Schmidt, ...
2016 14th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI …, 2016
CNN and GAN Based Satellite and Social Media Data Fusion for Disaster Detection.
K Ahmad, K Pogorelov, M Riegler, N Conci, P Halvorsen
MediaEval 17, 13-15, 2017
Bleeding detection in wireless capsule endoscopy videos—Color versus texture features
K Pogorelov, S Suman, F Azmadi Hussin, A Saeed Malik, O Ostroukhova, ...
Journal of applied clinical medical physics 20 (8), 141-154, 2019
Detection and classification of bleeding region in WCE images using color feature
S Suman, FAB Hussin, AS Malik, K Pogorelov, M Riegler, SH Ho, I Hilmi, ...
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia …, 2017
Medico multimedia task at mediaeval 2018
K Pogorelov, M Riegler, P Halvorsen, S Hicks, KR Randel, ...
CEUR workshop proceedings 2283, 1-4, 2018
Wico text: a labeled dataset of conspiracy theory and 5g-corona misinformation tweets
K Pogorelov, DT Schroeder, P Filkuková, S Brenner, J Langguth
Proceedings of the 2021 workshop on open challenges in online social …, 2021
Fact: a framework for analysis and capture of twitter graphs
DT Schroeder, K Pogorelov, J Langguth
2019 Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management …, 2019
A comprehensive analysis of classification methods in gastrointestinal endoscopy imaging
D Jha, S Ali, S Hicks, V Thambawita, H Borgli, PH Smedsrud, T de Lange, ...
Medical image analysis 70, 102007, 2021
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Articles 1–20