Philip Browne
Philip Browne
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Operational global reanalysis: progress, future directions and synergies with NWP
H Hersbach, P de Rosnay, B Bell, D Schepers, A Simmons, C Soci, ...
A baseline for global weather and climate simulations at 1 km resolution
NP Wedi, I Polichtchouk, P Dueben, VG Anantharaj, P Bauer, S Boussetta, ...
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 12 (11), e2020MS002192, 2020
ECMWF activities for improved hurricane forecasts
L Magnusson, JR Bidlot, M Bonavita, AR Brown, PA Browne, G De Chiara, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (3), 445-458, 2019
Weakly coupled ocean–atmosphere data assimilation in the ECMWF NWP system
PA Browne, P De Rosnay, H Zuo, A Bennett, A Dawson
Remote Sensing 11 (3), 234, 2019
Mesh adaptation on the sphere using optimal transport and the numerical solution of a Monge–Ampère type equation
H Weller, P Browne, C Budd, M Cullen
Journal of Computational Physics 308, 102-123, 2016
Observational needs for improving ocean and coupled reanalysis, S2S prediction, and decadal prediction
SG Penny, S Akella, MA Balmaseda, P Browne, JA Carton, M Chevallier, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 391, 2019
Data assimilation in the solar wind: Challenges and first results
M Lang, P Browne, PJ Van Leeuwen, M Owens
Space Weather 15 (11), 1490-1510, 2017
Coupled data assimilation at ECMWF: Current status, challenges and future developments
P de Rosnay, P Browne, E de Boisséson, D Fairbairn, Y Hirahara, K Ochi, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 148 (747), 2672-2702, 2022
Topology optimization of linear elastic structures
PA Browne
University of Bath, 2013
A fast method for binary programming using first‐order derivatives, with application to topology optimization with buckling constraints
PA Browne, C Budd, NIM Gould, HA Kim, JA Scott
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 92 (12), 1026-1043, 2012
A simple method for integrating a complex model into an ensemble data assimilation system using MPI
PA Browne, S Wilson
Environmental Modelling & Software 68, 122-128, 2015
Fast three dimensional r-adaptive mesh redistribution
PA Browne, CJ Budd, C Piccolo, M Cullen
Journal of Computational Physics 275, 174-196, 2014
Twin experiments with the equivalent weights particle filter and HadCM3
PA Browne, PJ Van Leeuwen
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (693), 3399-3414, 2015
The new stand-alone surface analysis at ECMWF: Implications for land–atmosphere DA coupling
D Fairbairn, P de Rosnay, PA Browne
Journal of Hydrometeorology 20 (10), 2023-2042, 2019
A systematic method of parameterisation estimation using data assimilation
M Lang, P Jan Van Leeuwen, P Browne
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 68 (1), 29012, 2016
& Zuo, H.(2018)
H Hersbach, P de Rosnay, B Bell, D Schepers, A Simmons, C Soci, ...
Operational global reanalysis: progress, future directions and synergies …, 0
Tropical cyclone activities at ECMWF
L Magnusson, S Majumdar, R Emerton, D Richardson, ...
European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts, 2021
Developing an observing air–sea interactions strategy (OASIS) for the global ocean
MF Cronin, S Swart, CA Marandino, C Anderson, P Browne, S Chen, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 (2), 367-373, 2023
A comparison of the equivalent weights particle filter and the local ensemble transform Kalman filter in application to the barotropic vorticity equation
PA Browne
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 68 (1), 30466, 2016
Conservation with moving meshes over orography
H Yamazaki, H Weller, CJ Cotter, PA Browne
Journal of Computational Physics 461, 111217, 2022
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Articles 1–20