Martin Syre Wiig
Martin Syre Wiig
Product Manager, Kongsberg Discovery
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Cited by
A modified dynamic window algorithm for horizontal collision avoidance for AUVs
BOH Eriksen, M Breivik, KY Pettersen, MS Wiig
2016 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 499-506, 2016
Collision avoidance for underactuated marine vehicles using the constant avoidance angle algorithm
MS Wiig, KY Pettersen, TR Krogstad
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 28 (3), 951-966, 2019
A Reactive Collision Avoidance Algorithm for Nonholonomic Vehicles
MS Wiig, KY Pettersen, AV Savkin
1st IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications CCTA 2017, 2017
A 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for underactuated underwater vehicles
MS Wiig, KY Pettersen, TR Krogstad
Journal of Field Robotics 37 (6), 1094-1122, 2020
Uniform semiglobal exponential stability of integral line-of-sight guidance laws
MS Wiig, KY Pettersen, TR Krogstad
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (16), 61-68, 2015
A reactive collision avoidance algorithm for vehicles with underactuated dynamics
MS Wiig, KY Pettersen, TR Krogstad
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1452-1459, 2017
Autonomous survey and identification planning for AUV MCM operations
TR Krogstad, MS Wiig
Proceedings of Undersea Defence Technology, 2014
Autonomous identification planning for mine countermeasures
MS Wiig, TR Krogstad, Ø Midtgaard
2012 IEEE/OES Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), 1-8, 2012
Integral Line-of-Sight Guidance of Underwater Vehicles Without Neutral Buoyancy
MS Wiig, W Caharija, TR Krogstad, KY Pettersen
10th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems CAMS 2016, 2016
An integral line-of-sight guidance law with a speed-dependent lookahead distance
MS Wiig, KY Pettersen, ELM Ruud, TR Krogstad
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 1269-1276, 2018
Reactive collision avoidance for underactuated surface vehicles using the collision cone concept
A Haraldsen, MS Wiig, KY Pettersen
2021 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 619-626, 2021
Vehicle safety of the velocity obstacle algorithm
A Haraldsen, MS Wiig, KY Pettersen
2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5340-5347, 2020
Collision avoidance and path following for underactuated marine vehicles
MS Wiig
NTNU, 2019
Autonomous object identification in mine countermeasure missions
TR Krogstad, M Wiig, P Cleophas, Ø Midtgaard
OCEANS'11 MTS/IEEE KONA, 1-9, 2011
Safety-critical control of nonholonomic vehicles in dynamic environments using velocity obstacles
A Haraldsen, MS Wiig, AD Ames, KY Pattersen
2024 American Control Conference (ACC), 3152-3159, 2024
Reactive collision avoidance for nonholonomic vehicles in dynamic environments with obstacles of arbitrary shape
A Haraldsen, MS Wiig, KY Pettersen
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (14), 155-160, 2021
Autonomous optical survey based on unsupervised segmentation of acoustic backscatter
Ø Sture, TO Fossum, M Ludvigsen, MS Wiig
2018 OCEANS-MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Oceans (OTO), 1-8, 2018
Decisional autonomy for the HUGIN autonomous underwater vehicle
M Wiig
SCI-202 Symposium on Intelligent Uninhabited Vehicle Guidance Systems, 2009
Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for Nonholonomic Vehicles using Collision Cones: Theory and Experiments *
A Haraldsen, MS Wiig, KY Pettersen
2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 46-52, 2023
A 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for underactuated vehicles
MS Wiig, KY Pettersen, TR Krogstad
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 1997-2004, 2018
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Articles 1–20