Antonio Fernández
Antonio Fernández
Senior Data Scientist in Banking (Cajamar)
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Cited by
Bayesian networks in environmental modelling
PA Aguilera, A Fernández, R Fernández, R Rumí, A Salmerón
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (12), 1376-1388, 2011
Hybrid Bayesian network classifiers: Application to species distribution models
PA Aguilera, A Fernández, F Reche, R Rumí
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (12), 1630-1639, 2010
Groundwater quality assessment using data clustering based on hybrid Bayesian networks
PA Aguilera, A Fernández, RF Ropero, L Molina
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 27, 435-447, 2013
A system for relevance analysis of performance indicators in higher education using Bayesian networks
A Fernández, M Morales, C Rodríguez, A Salmerón
Knowledge and information systems 27, 327-344, 2011
Regression using hybrid Bayesian networks: Modelling landscape–socioeconomy relationships
RF Ropero, PA Aguilera, A Fernández, R Rumí
Environmental modelling & software 57, 127-137, 2014
Modeling concept drift: A probabilistic graphical model based approach
H Borchani, AM Martínez, AR Masegosa, H Langseth, TD Nielsen, ...
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV: 14th International Symposium, IDA …, 2015
Extension of Bayesian network classifiers to regression problems
A Fernández, A Salmerón
Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 83-92, 2008
Tree augmented naive Bayes for regression using mixtures of truncated exponentials: Application to higher education management
A Fernández, M Morales, A Salmerón
International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, 59-69, 2007
Learning Bayesian networks for regression from incomplete databases
A Fernández, JD Nielsen, A Salmerón
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems …, 2010
BayesChess: A computer chess program based on Bayesian networks
A Fernández, A Salmerón
Pattern Recognition Letters 29 (8), 1154-1159, 2008
Data clustering using hidden variables in hybrid Bayesian networks
A Fernández, JA Gámez, R Rumí, A Salmerón
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 2, 141-152, 2014
Answering queries in hybrid Bayesian networks using importance sampling
A Fernández, R Rumí, A Salmerón
Decision Support Systems 53, 580-590, 2012
Parameter learning in hybrid Bayesian networks using prior knowledge
I Pérez-Bernabé, A Fernández, R Rumí, A Salmerón
Data mining and knowledge discovery 30, 576-604, 2016
Parallel importance sampling in conditional linear Gaussian networks
A Salmerón, D Ramos-López, H Borchani, AM Martínez, AR Masegosa, ...
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Conference of the Spanish …, 2015
Redes bayesianas: una herramienta probabilística en los modelos de distribución de especies.
RMF Ropero, PA Aguilera, A Fernández, R Rumí
Ecosistemas 23 (1), 54-60, 2014
Dynamic Bayesian modeling for risk prediction in credit operations
H Borchani, AM Martínez, AR Masegosa, H Langseth, TD Nielsen, ...
Thirteenth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 17-26, 2015
Continuous Bayesian networks vs. other methods for regression in environmental modelling
AD Maldonado, RF Ropero, PA Aguilera, A Fernández, R Rumí, ...
Procedia Environmental Sciences 26, 70-73, 2015
Parameter learning in MTE networks using incomplete data
A Fernández, H Langseth, TD Nielsen, A Salmerón Cerdán
Incremental supervised classification for the MTE distribution: A preliminary study
I Flesch, A Fernández, A Salmerón Cerdán
Requirement engineering for a small project with pre-specified scope
TD Nielsen, S Hovda, F Antontio, H Langseth, AL Madsen, A Masegosa, ...
NIK: Norsk Informatikkonferanse, 2014
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Articles 1–20